Veiled female MBD, possible constipation

Didn't eat again today... really watched though. Drank a lot. Weight at 22 grams, so we're still holding... Was pretty feisty, just hoping she'll start eating soon!

Some people have recommended baby food, what kind should I get? I might try that for a change of pace and see if it helps any....
I'm going to suggest you stop weighing her every day. I think that puts unnecessary stress on you. Maybe go to twice a week or something.
When Charlotte was given baby food following her tongue amputation I would stick to the fruits and veggies. Now I couldn't tell you what flavor I bought, but I picked a good gutloading veggie from Sandrachameleon's blogs and gave her that for a few days with an occasional soft worm. Maybe squash, but I can't be sure, it was like 9 months ago.
I'll definitely check the list and go off that. :D

My husband is wondering if she would eat more if she could be closer to the light? She is always trying to climb up... is this just a cham thing trying to be high or is it possible that there is something there? I just assumed she just wanted to climb up higher...
It might be a good idea to move her light a little closer IF she can get around enough to move to a cooler area easily and it doesn't make temps too high. They do need to be able to bask and cool off as needed during digestion. If she can't get around very well though do not do this as she could overheat or get burned. But it might not be a bad idea to try it if you can make it work for her. Make sure she has a cool area as well as a warmer area though.
What sort of enclosure do you have her in now? If it's long enough, maybe you can put the light to one side so she can just move laterally to get to a cooler spot. Maybe put some towels on the floor of the enclosure so that if she does take a fall, she'll have a soft landing.

I would encourage her to do a little climbing. It's good for her, she needs the light and yes, her little chameleon mind would be a lot happier if she could loom over you at least a bit.
The enclosure she's in right now wouldn't work well as it's taller than wide, but I could put her in an aquarium for now? She is currently up to about 8" of climb upward with her fake vine, and with softer viney plants under to help catch her if she falls, and towels on the bottom.
No, only the top is mesh on the one she is in now. Today after school she was literally hiding from me by hanging on the side of the wines... I thought she was gone! Obviously she's feeling alright... at first I thought she was falling or stuck, but when I went to "help her" she moved away like LEAVE ME ALONE! LOL
So I guess my impatience finally paid off... Pascal ate TWO worms! :eek: She ate them quickly and with precision! She seems really happy that her "vine" is back in her cage. I'm sure you guys know the ones, you can get at the pet stores, fake bendy vines, I have it bent so there are kind of two "rails" so her back legs can both grab something. She might've eaten three... but I SAW her eat two.

She was very thirsty earlier today, and I cleaned her "lips" and kind of pulled them back up, did shots. I'm concerned that I permanently damaged them, maybe broke so ligaments or muscles in there? I've got the only cham who needs botox in her lips!

I'm also looking suggestions, how do you keep the water drip from flooding? I was thinking maybe a dish with rocks or gravel in it so neither her or any future prey could drown? I kind of tried a sponge but it didn't work well...

A great ending to my night. I was sitting here before I went up wondering how much longer I can watch her not eat without getting more depressed! I'm willing her to keep it up, her quitting again is not an option! Hopefully she'll increase her intake and I can get some video of her eating! She tilted her head kind of funny to get them, but didn't do the "prep" movements of her tongue this time. Just focused and went for it. I think the weird head tilt was her way of adapting since it's probably easier for her to do that, than re-adjust her whole body at this point.

YEA, YEA, YEA!!! That's my happy dance! :rolleyes:
I'm sure it's wonderful for people snowed in somewhere unable to get a novel from a local library, lol. Suspense, drama, and more all in one place!
Yeah, I posted WAYYYYY back in this thread. I've been reading it the whole time. :)

Im glad things are working out for her!
I cant wait to see if she eats this evening again! I think I'll pick up some little crickets ( which I keep forgetting to do ) if I get time on lunch. My youngest broke her leg this last week and so I need to be home to pick her up from school. We live 2 blocks away in a town of 600 people... but that's a long way on crutches! It will depend on if the people in my work group for a project at school are actually going to be there with all of their stuff, or if they're going to continue to put it all off for stupid reasons... So we'll see.
One thing, as it's probable you can't do any feedings until evening, you might try shifting her light schedule so she has more time with the lights on after feeding. Typically, a healthy chameleon will bask under the heat for awhile after eating. I think it's generally advised to give them at least 4 hours between food and "lights out".

I'm so sorry about the broken leg. I haven't had the "injured child" situation yet, I don't quite know how I would deal with it. I probably drove my mother insane because I broke things all the time growing up...
Usually Hailey is the one who breaks things, this was the other one, it's been sooo hard on her! She's a runner and jumper and always on a natural sugar high type of kid... so it's just been torment for her.

I got Pascal a little box of little crickets today, she seems very excited about them. I hobbled a couple for her before I went to the store, so I'm not sure if she got some or if they got out of her bowl. Even without the back legs they're pretty fiesty no? I just let them loose in her cage and she's just flickering her eyes all over watching them! She drank quite a bit so far today, and she's getting even more spunky herself, today she actually actively ran away from me! I was very saddened and happy at the same time. I know it just means she feels better. Not that I blame her, she knows I poke her with needles! Under her chin is still healing. I bebrided it a little, it's healing fairly well, probably very well considering her decreased nutrition lately and everything else. There is a lot more damage there than I ever anticipated, I would even consider it a beginning stage II type sore. :( I'm sure it does feel a little better for her to get some of that thick scaby type stuff off ( I almost put scaley, then realized that would be most of her body... lol ) I guess I didn't realize the damage was that bad and it may be way she was avoiding eating. Hopefully with a bit of it flaked off she will feel even better!

And a picture... We'll play can you tell what is significant (other than she's terribly skinny, this is her everyday look when she's not puffed up) in this photo...


Her hind legs are on the same vine, and she did it by herself!

I probably would have cried when I saw her get those legs up there. She's doing remarkably well.

It's good you know that her running away from you is a good sign. It's definitely that.

You're daughter will probably come to appreciate some less intense activities. In later years she might look back at this as the time she discovered the value in reading or knitting.
I love how in that picture she's looking at the camera like "....Really....? Are you going to stand there all day?.... Leave me the hell alone!" :D
That's definitely been her attitude this morning! Drank a lot this morning, really thought about eating, opened wide and hissed at me, hid from me, ran from me... well as fast as she can run. She has really been watching the crickets, don't know if she's caught any, but I think maybe they'll give her more incentive. She thought about the worms quite a bit, but didn't give it a go, I'll try again after lunch.
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