Veiled female MBD, possible constipation

I ordered a batch of 500, but we have another tank to keep them in. I got the 1/4" ones. Should I just maybe put about 10 in there for one day and kind of see how many are left? I mean, it used to be she ate what we put in there right away..

Ordered the new cage, excited about that.

Okay, so I'm going to sound like a broken record again, but with the longer cage I'm going to need a different light system, so what length should I get? What kind of bulb is the best? I got the reptisun 5.0 this last time I think... whatever you guys said. Sorry, I need to make a binder or something, my brain is in so many places with school, broken legs, and it's chin show season so I've been itching for that as well... I swear that one of these days it will just explode. I rarely watch tv, usually only when my husband's home and like one episode without commercials a night at most other than the occasional movie, but he jokes that watching "that lizard" is my form of tv, lol. What is funny is he was the one who encouraged the girls to get lizard because he used to have an iguana. But then again he swore "that lizard" is going to die any day now for the longest time, and can't believe she's even still alive.

And while I'm jibbering, I wanted to say thanks again, to everyone who's reading, sending happy thoughts for Pascal, and commenting. We really honestly would not be this far without you guys! I better go get something done today, as yesterday was mostly a waste!
Free chameleon!!!!

I have a free female chameleon I have to give away. She seems sick cause her eyes are always closed. She refuses to eat and I nomore have the time to attend her. Unfortunately I'm giving her away for free. Anywhere in the 5 borough of NY. She's a panther and 1 year old. Email me at
Riven, that bulb should be fine with the new cage.

Jaybee, you should start a new thread rather than jump into an existing one.
Okay, they have a long one obviously? ( so clueless about lights for lizards, I can tell you about lights for chins... ) The one she has now is small, but I want the long one for the long cage. :D
The UV lights come in sizes up to 48", I think you're good! lol But you can use this one for any cage you get probably.
The reptisun 5.0 comes in many lengths, but I think 18 inches is the smallest and probably the most useful. It's certainly "the standard".. I have a 24 inch, but I use it for two cages. The bulb does not need to extend all the way across the cage. The animal will move in and out of the light as it needs. You can buy a fixture for the 18 inch almost anywhere. WalMart, Home Depot, Lowes.....
Poop, you wanna talk about poop... we can talk about poop! Should I be worried about her pooping too much?!? She has been pooping at least once a day, poops look normal and all, just want to make sure! She loves her perch up higher, I can't wait until her new cage gets here! I'm going to get some wood and make a stand and... all of that stuff! :D
Poop, you wanna talk about poop... we can talk about poop! Should I be worried about her pooping too much?!? She has been pooping at least once a day, poops look normal and all, just want to make sure! She loves her perch up higher, I can't wait until her new cage gets here! I'm going to get some wood and make a stand and... all of that stuff! :D

I dont think her pooping too much is a bad thing, it means shes eating.
Okay... I was just going to not say anything about it but keep doing it, because I'm kind of OCD like that, but I weighed Pascal tonight... and she was .. 24 grams!!! I had to share just because it means she's eating and drinking good! And she was REALLY thirsty tonight. I can't wait to get her new cage and get it all set up for her, I think she'll LOVE it! I guess I better get on to ordering her some new vine things as those will probably be her saving grace while climing by giving her a lot of things to grab onto.

Yea! ( I'm overly zealous tonight, which sucks because I have to be up at 4 for clinicals, but I'll sort it out I suppose. :D )
I sent you a link to "rapid clip" soft ties. I can't recommend them enough. They are inexpensive, easy to use, strong enough to support having plants and other things hung from them and the perfect size for climbing.

The place I'm order the cage from is out of stock... so I'm going to go with a place that was recommended before, but they didn't have paypal, so I'll probably just transfer some money around and do that. I'm sad about that, I was hoping to have it early this week...
Fiesty AND thristy again today! Cleaned her mouth, wish her lip would heal but I don't think it will... :( I might eventually ask the vet if there is anything to help it, I'm just worried that her mouth tissues will be affected.

Here is a photo of her, I think she's looking a lot less dehydrated! And getting a little less skinny...


I had another, but I guess it didn't load... hmmm...
She looks a lot better! Even in the still photo she seems more sturdy on her legs:D Excellent job guys and I do not think either one of you could have done this without the other :)
Wow I had to go look for this thread unusual for it not to be on page 1. I am taking this as a good sign and pascal is doing well these past few days :)
Still looking better and better :), no news is good news I hope.......
I was just thinking I need to get one and update! LOL

We put in a wall in the basement, and took out a different wall in the chin house, then did a LOT of sheetrocking the last several days so we've been busy, but David said it, no news is good news! My computer has been acting up so I haven't gotten her new cage ordered yet, a driver issue that doesn't let me use check outs, lol. Getting it fixed tomorrow.

She hasn't been drinking as much, so that concerned me a bit, but her basking light went out and I replaced that, so it may have been out for the better part of the day before I released it with being so busy so that may be part of it. She drank some this morning, and will probably be very thristy tonight I'm hoping!

I took a new cup of crickets up, I keep them downstairs and just take about 10 up in a cup when I see they're low, and she went down to hunt as soon as she saw the cup! She's still not eating worms much... so I don't know if she's not liking them or what. I'm guessing that's just a preference.

Hoping to get the new cage ordered tomorrow, but.. I did see the LLLreptile will be doing Black Friday (Cyber Monday? ) specials so I may wait a few more weeks and just splurge on a big order for her! But I'll probably give in before by Tuesday, lol. I did find the Flukers makes flexible vines and they're cheaper than the other brand zoomed I think? So I am thinking about getting her several sizes of those as well.

I'll try to get some more pics or video soon!
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