Veiled female MBD, possible constipation

I planned on making her drip system out of an IV set up... lol. So I can hang it up above without any interference with the lights. :D

We'll update new pics, and I'm hoping to get some new photos and maybe some video up of her as well now that things are settling down. Last night of class tonight then a break! Yippeee!!!
We got an put up her new enclosure today. Should we use some sort of substrate? I've seen it both ways...

She loves all of the vines and how she can be at the top. Tomorrow we're going plant shopping for more/new plants! I also need to pick up stuff to build a base or sort that out.

She was having a lot of fun "helping" put it up, crawling up my back, on blankets, up a bulletin board... We'll get pics when it's completed!
I would vote against the substrate. It really just complicates cleanup. Your plants will help with the humidity (which is the one thing that substrate does seem good for).

I'm looking forward to seeing pictures. It sounds like she's already adapted to the new environment.
We got an put up her new enclosure today. Should we use some sort of substrate? I've seen it both ways...

She loves all of the vines and how she can be at the top. Tomorrow we're going plant shopping for more/new plants! I also need to pick up stuff to build a base or sort that out.

She was having a lot of fun "helping" put it up, crawling up my back, on blankets, up a bulletin board... We'll get pics when it's completed!

Sounds like she is recovering nicely. So glad shes climbing everywhere for you, which is always a good thing.
Post new pics of her and her new hom eonce you finish please!
We're still looking for appropriate plants... So her place is a bit bare yet. Other than her physical scars you would never guess she had such problems, her recovery is amazing and every time I see her I'm so thankful for all of the help that we have received here.

She went through another full shed, well IS going through it, so excuse her rough look, but she got mad when I took her out to clean her mouth and help remove a chunk of skin off of it ( it was stuck on the "goo" that gathers on her mouth ) and turned the most beautiful colors that I yelled for the camera and we got some pics of her for everyone!

She was out of crickets and was only getting worms for a couple days (apparently a local cricket shortage?) We've been getting them locally because our crazy weather here is detrimental to shipping and receiving them alive. There is a local pet store that has been carrying chams, the owners son works with them, he has chams. We were talking about it one day and he said he has a carpet cham as well as some other kinds. They gut load their crickets which is nice because I can pick them up and feed if needed! Anyway, she ate more crickets today than I've ever seen her eat since before she was sick, I guess she was sick of worms! That's what we shoved in her mouth a lot when we were force feeding so maybe they come with bad memories, lol.

Without further adieu... Ms. Pascal Pincushion




I really think we have the most un-photogenic cham in the world... lol
There is nothing at all about Pascal that is unphotogenic. I am tickled to death to see a picture of her looking wonderful and strutting her stuff. Both you and she have came so very far. Kudos on all your dedication to helping her get to what she is today.:):):):):) It sure had been a long hard road.
Well Laurie, the fact she runs or hides from the camera and phone make it kind of challenging! LOL We're still working the kinks out and trying to get everything set up just right, but I think that you probably do that for the rest of your life! LOL

I always feel so bad for her poor little eye balls. I can't imagine it would be comfortable having dead skin hanging on them! I have eczema ( so does my daughter) so I know how itchy dry dead skin can be. I wonder if it's the same for them!
BUMP....this fell way back...I think it should be easy to find.

Riven, if you even come back here, please do let us know what's happened.
I'm alive! Pascal's alive! School's been kicking my butt mixed with the fact it's chinchilla show season... I've been a busy mama!

Pascal is getting big and eating me out of house and home! And she's really strong, she left imprints on my hands the other day she was clamped down so hard! She is super spunky and has taken to hissing at everyone for everything. I guess all of that hand feeding and other "torture" finally caught up with us. :p

We are going to probably get her a bigger enclosure of some sorts for summer for her to be outside during the days when it's nice!

I'll try to get some updated photos, every time I look at her I can't even imagine how she's still alive. There is not issue with her movement, she moves fast when she wants to. It's just still such an amazing journey, I wish I would have documented it better for everyone to see everything like I did. The handfeeding, the bug soup, the injections all of it is a miracle.
Wow that is fantastic news!! She sounds like she's made a remarkable recovery! We knew she could with all the tons of outstanding care she's been getting. ;) Good job and congrats to both of you! Soon it will all be behind you!
Thanks for your input, but I don't think that MBD explains her very extended and firm belly...
It absolutley could be MBD. Its obvious from her right arm that it is either broken or has advanced MBD. Her belly is probobly bloating from infection. Check a care sheet lower the temps, get a UVB today and most importantly go to the vet! I hope she gets better but its really important to have an environment set up and proper before making a comitmment to a pet.
YAY! Thanks for the update Riven. You belong in the Chameleon Owners' Hall of Fame!
I agree with the Hall of Fame!

She is very busy but took the time to care for this sick little one and she did such a wonderful job!

Great inspiration for those of us with problems.
Spring is here and it's warm outside! Happy chameleon weather! Pascal is alive and feisty as ever eating us out of house and home! Shots are all done, which makes her happy, and we're doing great. We'll try to get some outside pics soon!
Okay, okay! I've been saying I would, so here it is. Pics of Ms. Pascal (not as much now) Pincushion, at the end of her latest molt.

I don't even know what was going on in this picture... when I walked in and opened her cage this is how she was... so I took the opportunity! I think maybe I startled her.




And the "who got me wet!" pic...


Her mouth still sags from all of the force feeding, some days it's open more than others. I usually clean it every couple days depending on how dirty it is, she doesn't like it so much, lol. I tell her it's good for her. :D
Those are great! I think you might want to enter that first picture in the current photo contest...I think it fits the theme.

She looks fabulous. It's hard to believe that's the same chameleon we met at the beginning of this saga.
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