Veiled female MBD, possible constipation

And she WAS thirsty! I upped her bulb when I put the new one in as with the cold weather the house is usually a bit colder, so I think she's digging that.

As soon as I walked in ( I hadn't been in since this morning ) her tongue started going, and going!

I told Hailey thanks for the chameleon... lol. According to Hailey she won't drink for her, I can see that actually as she can be picky and shy. She was really watching the worms so I'm leaving them in for a while. Tomorrow is cage cleaning day, but she was already almost out of crickets again, so she's been eating probably 6 smalls a day?

Okay, I was looking online and on ebay like I like to do... I saw this, what do you guys think about something like this with vines on it, but lower in case of fall she doesn't have as far to go? Useful or cluttered? I honestly think her fall rate is fairly low, but I know she is at risk.
don't think you were talking about the invisible free range so I am guessing the pic did not upload?

So glad Pascal is doing well :)
Had to smile...
When you google dolots "soft tie" suggestion, her post to riven is the first one that comes up!. Wonder how many people will look at it and think "wtf"??? What does this have to do with the price of tea in China???
(Sorry that's a really old timers saying!!!)
Had to smile...
When you google dolots "soft tie" suggestion, her post to riven is the first one that comes up!. Wonder how many people will look at it and think "wtf"??? What does this have to do with the price of tea in China???
(Sorry that's a really old timers saying!!!)

That's probably because so many of your searches are chameleon related. Google has an algorithm that narrows searches based on your search history. I once googled the lyrics of a song I was hearing at that moment on Glee and the top 10 hits were about the song being on Glee. As with most things internet, it's a blessing and a curse. It does give you what you are most interested quickly, but it also sort of narrows the information you are exposed to and can give you a distorted idea of reality.

If you constantly are searching for topics of a certain political lean, then all your other searches will reflect that and you might come to the erroneous conclusion that your political position is far more "mainstream" than it really is.

My guess is that someone who's hobby is gardening would see only gardening sites and someone who does a lot of construction might see pages that highlight how it can be used in construction.
Yea, it wasn't a free range invisible set up, I haven't found one of them I really like yet... lol

Pascal is doing good still. I'm a bit concerned about her water... What is the best way to set up a drip for her to encourage her to drink on her own? This morning Hailey tried to water her... and she turned and hissed at her, lol.

What concerns me is that occasionally I leave for a long weekend for chin shows and if she won't take water from Hailey then... she'll be really thirsty! And it's almost that time of year.

I saw one enclosure with the water kind of dripping down a leaf "maze" type deal, which I liked, but will see?

I upped her vines a bit as well, so she can get closer to her light, which she's loving. :D Last night she was all worked up because Hailey cleaned her cage, and by the time I went in she was almost black in color, lol. She LOVES to "hide" from me, by slinking to the side of her vine, like i can't see her... I'll have to get a pic and put it up so you guys can see.
Well last night Pascal drank from Hailey! this morning she hissed at her... but she's not really much of a morning cham anyway, lol
She ate 2-3 butter worms about noon time too! She might have gotten two on the first round, not sure, lol.

I wish she wasn't so scared of "the black box" because her tongue motions are deliberate and slow enough you can really see how she moves it, she almost "rolls" the tip of it...
Tada! It's been a while, things have been busy! Semester is coming to an end and projects are all due about the same time, so yea. :D

I do have wonderful news though! Pascal is SHEDDING! Front legs and "body", no back legs or tail, but that does mean either she needs more moisturizer or she's growing! Just kidding, she's growing. :D

I have another question as well... what is the best calcium powder to use? Is there a difference? And I keep seeing stuff about Repashy, but can't seem to find a definite thread on yea, it's awesome use it, or don't use it. It seems to be a split view on it.

I've been putting crickets in there in larger amounts, not a ton, but enough that when she's ready to go down and hunt there is enough selection that she doesn't have to chase them all over, etc. So how long will the powder stay on the crickets? If they don't get eaten for a day or two will it still be effective?

After she's done shedding we'll have to post a brand new picture!
The powder won't stay on the crickets for very long, but you can put a dish of food in the cage for the crickets to keep them gutloaded while they wait to be eaten.
I have been doing that! She was terribly upset today, I suppose due to shedding... but did eat a worm I offered, so that's always good, lol.
I was getting worried when I didn't see you post for awhile :)
Do you think she would try a calcium/phoenix worm?. They are small, not too fast, great source of calcium and last for awhile. The downside is they are light colored so my pickier chams have a hard time seeing them on my palm.
Yay for the shed, I agree that's a great sign
Well, no news is good news! But I was thinking I should update so everyone knows how we're doing!

I will try to remember to get some video of the little bugger tomorrow. Still has splay in her hind legs, I still gently do some physical therapy with her about twice a week, but I think the best therapy for her is running from me. She LOVES her cage, she feels safe and big there. She can make it from my knee, up the desk, up the tubing, and back into her cage in no time flat! She's gained a couple grams, eating and pooping good. I'm always amazed at her grip and agility despite her obstacles, when she see's me coming she will slide off to the side like I can't see her, and sometimes to the point where she is upside down!

We've cut back her injections, but are still keeping them up for now. Tomorrow is Cyber Monday and we're going to do some shopping at LLLReptile ( don't tell her, it's for an early Christmas present!).

She is slowly taking to Hailey watering her, but really seems to like her friend who used to have an iguana, I guess he's just a lizard person and she knows it?! I couldn't believe it when I asked Hailey if Pascal drank for her and she said No, but she did for Logan. Will have an occasional worm, but loves her crickets. Since she's a little slower, I generally keep some in there and put their food in there as well. I'm not sure how that will do for long term since it's hard to dust them... but hopefully as time goes on she will gain more agility and speed yet. I wish I had video of her from the first time I contacted the forum for help to show her improvements from then. My husband is amazed she's even alive, let along going so well. I have been dedicated each day, but I couldn't have done it without her... She's an amazing little critter.

I know it's past Thanksgiving day, but we are thankful for all of the help we got on this forum for Pascal. Advice, support, and everything. We know this is a life long process, but 2 1/2 months ago ( it seems so long, yet not... ) we came looking for help not knowing the right way from the wrong, and thanks to all of you Pascal is alive and hissing... :p
The road has been a long one but the rewards for both of you words will never express. Congratulations to you guys! :D
YAY! Thank you for the update. I've been thinking a lot about you and Pascal. I'm so glad you and she found each other. I'm sure you're getting as much from the experience as she is.

It doesn't surprise me that someone with reptile experience is getting a better reception. I suspect he doesn't give off "trepidation" pheromones. Your daughter will eventually radiate confidence.
Nicole I am happy for you and Pascal. Pascal certainly deserves to be doing better. Any luck with the worms? I just want anything that will help. I can remember when I was expecting you to post any day that Pascal had died, life is so much better now. I would have anyone who can help to help. It is all about little Pascal becoming big Pascal. Keep on doing what you are.:):)
Well, no news is good news! But I was thinking I should update so everyone knows how we're doing!............................................

All great news! I haven't been worried for ages :) Well done, she's officially out of the danger zone now, congratulations :)
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