vet dilema


Chameleon Enthusiast
Sp my chameleon fell two days ago in its cage and I tought nothing about it. they climb they fall, its not that high they live in trees, But when it showed up, it was not using it´s back legs, she is in pain and not using one of them, The dilema is this, I need to grab her and jank it off the branch to take it to the vet, transport it on a box where it can be hitting itself on the sides while being transported. If the leg is broken there 3 options, one is pain relive medicin, amputate the leg or kill the animal. if its not broken then it there is nothing that they can do for it. So either I take it there and it gets worse by the transport, or take it there and there is nothing they can do. what should be next move, should I wait and see?
Sp my chameleon fell two days ago in its cage and I tought nothing about it. they climb they fall, its not that high they live in trees, But when it showed up, it was not using it´s back legs, she is in pain and not using one of them, The dilema is this, I need to grab her and jank it off the branch to take it to the vet, transport it on a box where it can be hitting itself on the sides while being transported. If the leg is broken there 3 options, one is pain relive medicin, amputate the leg or kill the animal. if its not broken then it there is nothing that they can do for it. So either I take it there and it gets worse by the transport, or take it there and there is nothing they can do. what should be next move, should I wait and see?
Ok, well, first you wouldn’t ‘yank’ her off a branch. Use patience and putting one hand beneath her in the front, guide her onto that hand with your other behind her. For the box, pad it with a soft towel on the bottom and place a branch or something she can grip onto. I secure a branch in the box when I have to take mine…poke holes and stick the branch thru.
If she has broken her leg badly…very badly, the vet will be able to advise the best course of treatment. Unless it is an injury that will be causing her chronic severe pain, I don’t see euthanasia as an option. Amputation would be much better and there are many animals that live quality lives without all of their original equipment. But that’s assuming it’s something so severe that it won’t heal well on it’s own. However, it’s possible that no bones are broken and she’s just badly bruised or suffered a strain. Do please let us know what the vet says.
Ok, well, first you wouldn’t ‘yank’ her off a branch. Use patience and putting one hand beneath her in the front, guide her onto that hand with your other behind her. For the box, pad it with a soft towel on the bottom and place a branch or something she can grip onto. I secure a branch in the box when I have to take mine…poke holes and stick the branch thru.
If she has broken her leg badly…very badly, the vet will be able to advise the best course of treatment. Unless it is an injury that will be causing her chronic severe pain, I don’t see euthanasia as an option. Amputation would be much better and there are many animals that live quality lives without all of their original equipment. But that’s assuming it’s something so severe that it won’t heal well on it’s own. However, it’s possible that no bones are broken and she’s just badly bruised or suffered a strain. Do please let us know what the vet says.
I need to use some force to either lose of their grip or take them off the branch. so I dont want to force them, the movement itselft can end up harming the animal. its not the padding but the movement, the walking upp stairs with the box, and the rest if the transportation. Those are the options the vet gave when I ask them today about it. Dont want to amputate it but dont want to kill the animal either. the worries is that it will do more harm and that the vet end up not doing much. thought about it stabilize before moving it or touch it at all.
Honestly i just take the stick with me, chameleon and all.

I find the broken leg options odd. Even my hamster with a broken ankle just got a bunch of vet wrap and cotton. My water dragon was big enough for a cast on the femur. I mean it doesnt have to be perfect, it just has to be rendered immobile for 2 months. Who cares if they walk funny for the rest of their lives.

So I decided to take her to the vet. When I tried to feed her she will turn and twist so the point for not taking her to the vet was mute. I call but the friday that week but they were already close. I call the number of the vet they had for emergencies but they don´t take reptiles. On monday I take her to an emergency apoitment. The say the x ray machine is broken and the repair guy will be there in two hours. They told me she is impached and need to have a flsuh to take out the shit. I asked about complications and what do I do if she gets prolaps out of it, they told me to rub some some cream thing to keep her moist, twice a day. The do that they flsuh it and some things come out that when crushed it broke like clay, dried clay breaks. I remembered she getting soild with some roach I feeded her, also that she had been eating dead bugs that were left over in her feeding stashing some times. She tells me she is dehydrated. And all the chameleons in this country are dehydrated due the country doesnt have the tropical climate they do in their enviroment. I tell her I mist with their mist maching several times a night. She say it doesnt matter how much you mist or fog you never gonna get the humidity they got in the wild. They x ray her and she seems to not have broken anything, or anything being out of place. they can not see soft tissue but the bones are alright. I ask her if the not using her back leg/legs can be due the impaction. I think she said maybe. I take her home and try to administrated the ointment as best I could following the instructions. She keeps not doing weel in her enclosure, so I take her to the enclosure of my male that passed some years ago. It is more barren and the food station there is more easily accecible and can see the insect easier than on her enclosure. I keep putting the ointment, she gets stressed, falls a couple of times, she isnt eating well. I prepare the carnivour food diet to give her. It has helped a couple of times before. I put the syringe as far back in their mounth as possible to try to get it in her stomach and not her lungs. she pushes it outours I gave her the food at that possition more outwards and the put her back in her enclosure.
She starts doing worse and passes away.

I fucked up. I probably killed her by putting food in her lungs. Or the stress and pain of picking her up and putting the ointment on her. Or the impachmen for not picking the dead bugs out the feeding station. Or not taking her to the vet straight away due the costs and telling myself it could worse the possible injury.

I grew to love my jacksons. To love all of them. You know when you have reptiles they die its a bummer and you get an other one. same with fish. I dont with this ones. The were diagnosed with irido visurs. Wich meant I could not get new animals because they new ones would get the virus aswell. That keep me from hoarding and having a bunch as with my animals when I was a teenager. Every I would want to get a new animal I would look at my foalöke and see how can I improve their cage? new lighting, is the calcium running out, I can get more of that, can I order something fancy for them to eat? insect in other countris in europe that are not sold here. Everything went to them. I can not longer go to reptile conventions because it would be dickish to spread the irido viros to the people who go there and their animals. Can´t go outside to the outdoors because the virus would spread to the nature wild life of insects, reptiles amphibians and fish, and spiders and shit. I could fuck up entired eccosystems around here. And so would the people I would pass the virus if I attent reptile conventions when their animals got it from me by them.

The thing is that I am in a really bad place, in which time after time it becomes more obvious its only gonna get worse. The only reason I still hang around is beacue of my two chameleons. Jacksons are quite tricy, no begginer would be able to manage to take proper care of them, no random person, only one that is specialized in chameleons. And a person that is specialized in chameleons would likely have other animals and could not take my chameleons because the virus would pass to them. And neither the specialized or the avarage dude could give up going to conventions or outdoor not to spread the virus. So Only I can take care of them, and that is what keeps me around. and now my female is gone. After 3 years of which 2.5 were with me. And now I have to do and make sure my male lives.

My jackson had grown on my as a dog grown on you. It´s just plain wrong to get a new one to replace this one.
Good by my dragon, Sorry my fuckeds ups killed you.
I’m terribly sorry for your loss. DO NOT BLAME YOURSELF. You were doing everything you could to help your girl. You were doing right by her. You were trying to get her better. You can not blame yourself for that. There are not a lot of people who care so deeply for these wonderful creatures. That alone is commendable.

Take time and grieve for your girl. They become part of our families and losing them is not easy by any means. ❤️
I’m terribly sorry for your loss. DO NOT BLAME YOURSELF. You were doing everything you could to help your girl. You were doing right by her. You were trying to get her better. You can not blame yourself for that. There are not a lot of people who care so deeply for these wonderful creatures. That alone is commendable.

Take time and grieve for your girl. They become part of our families and losing them is not easy by any means. ❤️
Credit where credit due. so blame aswell. I solely was responsible for her and her dying is my fucked up. Thsnk you for your words.
And thank you everyone for their informations and recomendations.

Kinyongia, thank you for the articles and the help with the questions.
I’m so sorry that your girl passed away. I know too well that we always want to blame ourselves, but I agree that you did not cause your girl to pass. It seems like it all started with her falling, but there was something going on that caused her to fall. You haven’t said how old she was and we know that unfortunately our beautiful chameleons have naturally short life spans. I see it all the time in my job as a hospice nurse - people fall and then shortly after pass away. While we naturally think it was maybe the fall and stress of it that ended their life, it’s their illness and decline that caused the fall and led to the rest. So, I think your girl was declining already and that may be why her digestion wasn’t working well, or her kidneys.
I wish I could find more information on the iridio virus…how long it stays and how to prevent spreading it. All I can say is if your animals still have the virus, wait some time until after they all pass and destroy all of their tanks or a thorough cleaning. With time I would think the virus should be gone and you can enjoy nature and animals. No matter what life throws at us, there is always tomorrow and always hope. Sending you (((hugs))) 💗
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