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  1. Toph00

    Future Ambanja Stud!

    Great lookin little fella! Looks like a Papa Smurf to me :p
  2. Toph00

    First Silkworm

    I would be terrified to drive with my cham in the car. I feel like he would end up somewhere not so fun for me to try and get him out of lol
  3. Toph00

    What should i name him?

    I was gonna suggest Kermit as well lol maybe Oscar if he has an attitude. other than that.....Shrek, Wasabi, any teenage mutant ninja turtle, Jolly (the green giant lol), Grinch, Godzilla, Yoda, Hulk? as you can tell, I like the culture relevant names
  4. Toph00

    Can or should a chameleon swim?

    yeah cause I had a red tailed boa and she loved sitting in some warm water...but I am sure thats a little different lol
  5. Toph00

    Can or should a chameleon swim?

    Would it be beneficial at all for a cham to roam around in a very shallow bath tub filled with warm water? shallow enough to walk and not need to inflate
  6. Toph00

    Where to get the best veiled chams?

    But then again... My panther was like 275 hahah which is a hefty chunk
  7. Toph00

    Where to get the best veiled chams?

    He wants a set up like mine. So, MistKing, drain systems, supplements, lots of lighting, shelving, plants, lots of vines, all the best stuff I can get my hands on and it started adding up! lol but yeah he could get a solid set up for that price. Great idea though, I'll let him look around with...
  8. Toph00

    Where to get the best veiled chams?

    My buddy finally played with my panther and he decided that he wanted a chan of his own. I told him that he shouldn't get one unless he wanted to drop about about 800 to get everything good and working so I sent him looking at veileds... I figured I would ask around the forum and find out where...
  9. Toph00

    Mistking problems?

    hahahahahah perfect picture
  10. Toph00

    Mistking problems?

    He sent one for free and it should be here soon :D he is a great guy! I highly recommend getting a MistKing!
  11. Toph00

    DinoFuel Questions?

  12. Toph00

    DinoFuel Questions?

    So with just with the raptor, use a table spoon?
  13. Toph00

    DinoFuel Questions?

    I got the Raptor Edition :D
  14. Toph00

    DinoFuel Questions?

    This helps A LOT. I am ordering some tonight :) I make about a half of a coffee cups worth of bug burger at a time. Anyone have any suggestions as to how much DinoFuel I should add in there? Also, can someone tell me their dusting schedule that they use with the DinoFuel so I can make some...
  15. Toph00

    DinoFuel Questions?

    Well I have an ambilobe. So, tKilgour, I have 3 questions! 1- Would you recommend me getting the raptor edition or the regular? I ask you because you seem to know the most, but if anyone else knows much about the DinoFuel, feel free to give input :). 2- I use the Repashy all in one calcium for...
  16. Toph00

    DinoFuel Questions?

    I have been thinking of ordering of DinoFuel lately and I was wondering...Is there really much of a difference between the regular DinoFuel and the Raptor Edition DinoFuel? I have an ambilobe panther with lots of reds, orange, yellow, greens, and a little bit of blues. Are the different...
  17. Toph00

    So I just got a phone call.....

    I had this problem for a while. My leak was in the gaps between the cage door and the actual cage. When it was closed, there were still big enough gaps around the edges of door. So check there if the problem isn't solved!
  18. Toph00

    Mistking problems?

    I'll have to do that. It worked for a solid month then just cut out. Maybe a fuse was cut out or something?
  19. Toph00

    Mistking problems?

    I didn't notice any differences when I reset it. It went blank and it came back on so I reprogrammed it then. I tried pushing the button to on and it didn't turn on
  20. Toph00

    Mistking problems?

    I made sure I did that. Its on auto for the entire week and I have on and off times set throughout the day. I'm stumped
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