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  1. susurrus

    Spice up crickets to taste better...

    Or you can just not feed them for a while. They'll be back onboard if you stop feeding them anything else until they eat the crickets. They can go for a while without food, so it's not a problem to do this. Been mentioned before in all the threads about chams not eating something.
  2. susurrus

    Coating crickets in gut load. Anyone doing this?

    I'm not sure of that gut load, but if there really is a lot of protein in there, I wouldn't recommend doing that often. It seems like gout is a big concern with chameleons and feeders that have been gutloaded on too much protein.
  3. susurrus

    Couple of feeder questions....

    Darkling beetles can be fed to chams:, This site was interesting: As far as nutritional values here's a thread...
  4. susurrus

    super worm liquid

    I handle all my supers directly and I've never had them bite, they don't even try! Some are pretty strong and with the claws on their legs it can feel like they're biting, but they're not. I don't even think they could draw blood if they bit: they're mandibles are big, but not that big.
  5. susurrus

    Red Wigglers

    It looks like it's a yes: Just found that using the search feature...
  6. susurrus

    Snails for Wilson?

    I've only seen adult Jacksons eat snails. I would doubt he could crush a snail shell at 1-2 months. I wouldn't jump the gun on this and wait a few months. There's also the rule of thumb of no bigger than the space between the eyes. I'm sure that would put snails off for a while.
  7. susurrus

    Giant Panchlora

    This is the large version of the green banana roach (P. nivea), supposedly a different species. I've love to get a hold of about 2 dozen of these if anyone has any.
  8. susurrus

    Woodlice breeding

    Yeah, I'd like to get away from insects that don't like to crawl around the tree like cockroaches, superworms, etc. I think silkworms, flies, and cuban banana roaches would be more fun as he's notice them and then hunt them down. I'm not a huge fan of making life too easy on them. I do like...
  9. susurrus

    Woodlice breeding

    I seem to have found Porcellio Scaber and Oniscus Asellus. What woodlice species do you breed? I see both of the types I listed above in those pics though the article mentions separating different species.
  10. susurrus


    Do most places sell crickets that chirp? The big Petsmart around here has wingless crickets, so it's never a big deal.
  11. susurrus

    Woodlice breeding

    Anyone here breed woodlice? (sowbugs, pillbugs, etc) I've captured a bunch (~50) and would like to start breeding them as my cham goes crazy for them. Seems to be a great source of calcium also. I would love to see pictures or read some descriptions of what has been successful for breeding woodlice.
  12. susurrus

    How to get chams interested in roaches

    Wait til one's molted. Chameleons love freshly molted insects. My cham doesn't really eat them (which is fine as I'm starting a colony), but the only one he ate was molted and he was the most interested I've seen him be in food.
  13. susurrus

    If you use Chrome, read this!!

    I think it's a non-issue I wouldn't worry too much about Google's Chrome's EULA especially if you use any other Google product, which is a lot of ppl; their EULAs are mostly the same.
  14. susurrus

    Vets on this forum

    While I think it would be great to have more vets on the forums helping people with their problems, that's what their job is so I wouldn't see them wanting to continue doing that for their hobby. I think asking them to chime in is fine, but I wouldn't ask someone who gets paid to do that to do...
  15. susurrus

    my side of the mountain

    Amazing book. I read it again a couple of years ago at 20, and I still thought highly of it. I'm a big fan of those adventure/survival stories. Not sure if you're looking for other reading, but Hatchet is good. I think it's about the same reading level.
  16. susurrus

    Waxy monkey frogs anyone?

    Anyone have one of these? I've seen videos and read about them online and they seem awesome! Also have similar needs to a veiled, so not too much extra work to keep them.
  17. susurrus

    he ate a lizard

    Yeah, it looks like an anole. You can actually by feeder grade anoles online for fairly cheap (<$5 per). My cham didn't seem too interested in food so I thought a small lizard might cheer him didn't, he didn't seem interested in eating it and didn't seem happy it was in there with him...
  18. susurrus

    Superworms: consensus?

    As this thread has veered wildly off-topic into realms of possible hostility, let's just end it with the consensus that variety is good for chams and having superworms as part of that variety is fine, though they shouldn't be fed too often as they have a lot of fat. Alright, shall we move on?
  19. susurrus

    anyone ever showered with their chameleons?

    I was thinking a shower with the chameleon on your shoulder. I wouldn't think him or your skin would enjoy that! I like the plant and ledge idea, though, codiwatkins.
  20. susurrus

    Superworms: consensus?

    So in all the threads I had read within the last week any mention of superworms also says they shouldn't be used as staple feeders. Most of what I had read on the forums and elsewhere had been that superworms would be fine as a staple feeder in so much as any one feeder should be. Is there...
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