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  1. RhinoAndDaisy

    Daisy's weird foot! :/

    as you can see in my display picture she is a nice colour when she is with him! normally an aqua or lime :)
  2. RhinoAndDaisy

    Daisy's weird foot! :/

    she is with him for about 5-6 hours a day when im with them but when im not their they are in different ones! she is only dark in the pick with rhino because i picked her up for a different picture and she is not a lover of me or the camera as i've only had her since Tuesday this week :)
  3. RhinoAndDaisy

    I confess! Please forgive me!

    im geting rid of the discus they are doing my head in and costing to much for all the 'special' discus liquids and making sure they arent stressed! im going for something smaller!
  4. RhinoAndDaisy

    I confess! Please forgive me!

    my biggest ones are discus and smallest are female beta and a leopard plecko
  5. RhinoAndDaisy

    I confess! Please forgive me!

    lol , i have a rule like this in my tropical fish tank, no fish should be smaller than the largest mouth! that way i wont go to sleep with 20 fish and wake up with 2!
  6. RhinoAndDaisy

    Supplement question (based in UK)

    i have a problem getting some of the makes of things you all say as i am also from the uk and have to find the closest thing to it :)
  7. RhinoAndDaisy

    First time cleaning Ambush's cage

    i let mine just chill where they like as its only for 10mins or so, my male likes to sit on my collar when im doing most things :)
  8. RhinoAndDaisy

    I confess! Please forgive me!

    lol, no rhino cant eat daisy and they spend a few hours together during the day supervised but i keep them apart when im not with them !
  9. RhinoAndDaisy

    Chameleons and Glass

    my chams are happy in there home, my male rhino see's himself and walks up to the glass and touches it with his hands and head! like its his friend :)
  10. RhinoAndDaisy

    First time cleaning Ambush's cage

    i put mine on a little plant that sits by the window :) cost me about £6 at ikea!
  11. RhinoAndDaisy

    Daisy's weird foot! :/

    rhino is happy to have his picture taken and he is normally this colour all the time even when the dogs are sniffing him!
  12. RhinoAndDaisy

    Daisy's weird foot! :/

    this is what happens when i take pics of her! she is just not a lover!
  13. RhinoAndDaisy

    Daisy's weird foot! :/

    btw you dont know how lucky you are that she is green in this pic! not a camera happy chameleon!
  14. RhinoAndDaisy

    Daisy's weird foot! :/

    it isnt i had her to the vets its just her skin and muscle in the pic
  15. RhinoAndDaisy

    I confess! Please forgive me!

    LMAO! daisy is about 4.5-5 inches and rhino is about 15 inches!
  16. RhinoAndDaisy

    Daisy's weird foot! :/

    yeah i have its just when she is stretching to others she lets both front legs go and just hopes she makes it and she normally does but im going to move everything a little closer together!
  17. RhinoAndDaisy

    I confess! Please forgive me!

    my 6 month old cham female and my 3 yr old cham live in a 6ft x 4ft x 2.5ft viv and are just fine together
  18. RhinoAndDaisy

    Daisy's weird foot! :/

    ohh daisy is definitely 'special' i just didnt know if it would effect her when she gets bigger heavier! as usual im just stressing over nothing :rolleyes:
  19. RhinoAndDaisy

    Daisy's weird foot! :/

    no blood at all and you cant see a scar, she wobbles alot on it when reaching out to grab things! and she wont grab her vines with it!
  20. RhinoAndDaisy

    Daisy's weird foot! :/

    on one side of that foot yes but none at all on this side
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