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  1. S

    Is her eye gone?

    So, the little girl I adopted (or demanded they give me, really) is doing alright; she's still alive!! She's been on her meds for one week today, and is more spunky, getting a little lighter in color, and opening her eyes more. She hasn't fallen from anything she's been established on either, so...
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    Sick Female Veiled Chameleon

    Try to run some warm water over her eyes and see if she will tolerate you rubbing them gently. This will help any crusty discharge to loosen abs might help with her being able to open them.
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    Sick Female Veiled Chameleon

    You can check how hydrated she is by her bowel movements. If she's dehydrated they will be yellow to dark yellow to orange. If she's really hydrated then there can/will be a clear snot like substance. This is urine that hasn't been refined and indicate good hydration, if I recall correctly. See...
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    Sick Female Veiled Chameleon

    I'm new to chameleons so I can't offer more advice, but first thing I would do is get rid of the red 'night' light, and the coconut bedding. They need darkness to sleep comfortably, and my male would sleep during the day since the previous owners kept the red light on all the time. The coconut...
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    Sick veiled- should I take it on?

    Very sick, but appears to be on the mend. And! Just after I posted the photo, she pooped for the first time in 5 days. The vet had told me that her belly seemed descended and that she probably had a blockage, and that really scared me. But I figured her system was just like "omg you actually...
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    Sick veiled- should I take it on?

    My little girl does have eyes!!! First time she's had them both open for a prolonged period of time; had to document it!
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    How Stressed Is Too Stressed

    Duplicate post (sorry) but I'll utilize it as a response :D I'm not very experienced with chameleons, but I do know that the parasites will do much more harm in the long run than the meds will for two weeks. It doesn't seem to phase him too much from your description. You can also try to make...
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    How Stressed Is Too Stressed

    I'm sure the med regiment will be stressful, but it is a necessity. Try keeping him extra quiet during those two weeks and only handle him for the medication. Then give him a week or two after the meds are over to settle down with extremely limited interaction. The girl I have right now...
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    Sick veiled- should I take it on?

    Update! So I went to the vet Thursday and picked up her meds (the antibiotic and I made sure they gave me the calcium glub. It's kinda sad, but the vet was so uncertain of her survival that he said it would probably be better to wait on eye ointments. Plus her eyes were so shut that they...
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    Sick veiled- should I take it on?

    Okay, so we did our feeding and misting this morning, and she seems to be doing somewhat better so far; we survived night one. She didn't fall all night, and climbed to the top of the wicker basket and perched up there. She was quite active earlier, also. I'm assuming it's a girl now because I...
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    Sick veiled- should I take it on?

    Not that I'm aware of. The department manager who gave me the okay to take him home had left before I was finished with my 5 hours of back to back classes for dog training T_T. I will probably run by the vet and see what's going on tomorrow morning and I'll see my manager on Friday. He did open...
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    Sick veiled- should I take it on?

    Force fed some carnivore care and gave him his meds. Wasn't a happy camper about it but at least it's some form of nutrition and hydration. He actually started to get lighter in color now. Will his eyes get better? He's still able to grasp, but since he's totally blind at the moment, I don't...
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    Sick veiled- should I take it on?

    Hahaha I didn't think of the song when making the title.. Thanks all for the words of encouragement. He's seen the vet and they will send him home with me with his meds. Any tips or good articles to read when I get home? I'm going to use Nigel's outdoor enclosure for him until I get paid Friday...
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    Sick veiled- should I take it on?

    So one of the stores I dog train at has a very sick chameleon. 2-3 weeks ago I saw him/her, took him out, and noticed that both eyes were shut and he was lethargic. I brought it up to the GM and he said it was due to a bad shed and that they had been soaking it and giving eye drops. This...
  15. S

    Is grapewood a bad choice?

    I understand grapewood is not suitable for aquariums due to it's nature of decaying, however, the piece I put in there has been sitting on our side patio for over a year, been hit with sprinklers, rain, and baked by the sun. It's definitely become harder (was a pain to saw off some of the pieces...
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    My latest addiction, sorry, addition.....

    Omg that is a beautiful animal! I've never seen one of those before.
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    Taller enclosure; more progress.

    So I was really interested in getting the new Jackson's a bigger enclosure, however, with the surprise expenses I incurred after randomly getting him, it would have been something I would have to wait on. However, I was at another store last night doing dog training, and I saw a "small"...
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    Work in progress.

    Thank you so much! I plan on getting him a bigger enclosure within a week (maybe two; surprise expenses), and many more decorations. He will love it and I'll have fun decorating, haha. I am also fairly certain he's enjoying his first night with no lights on— that had to be bothersome for him...
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    New to chameleons (rescued Jackson's)

    I posted a picture of the additions I put into his enclosure labeled "work in progress". It's a little haphazard right now, but I plan on putting more together very soon!!
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    Work in progress.

    And here is a comparison to what he was living in before I got him...
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