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  1. BKO Overdrive

    Finally Laid Eggs

    So my girl Julia finally laid her eggs, she went receptive once....then lost hose colors, went receptive again then i saw her gravity colors. Last night i got home and i went to check on my two scale kids. One was sleeping (my jacksons) and my female Vieled....I couldn't find her, i looked all...
  2. BKO Overdrive

    Hi new here

    Yes once you turn off all the lights eventually he will go to a spot he feels is okay, curl up his tail and sleep. Make sure its kinda dark where he is at though.
  3. BKO Overdrive

    Jackson Growth Chart

    I could be wrong but i was told female jacksons only have one very small horn on tips of there nose, where as males have the longer horns.
  4. BKO Overdrive

    2017 Chameleon Calendar Now Available

    I cant wait to get in on the second order
  5. BKO Overdrive

    Gravid female need help!!!

    i forgot to mention the trash can bin is filled with either sand, soil, or a sand/soil mix. People have different results. In theory those colors are to display that she is not willing to mate anymore and has eggs. You can try putting her in there to see what she does. I know the can has to be...
  6. BKO Overdrive

    Gravid female need help!!!

    I know some members on here leave a laying bin AND also have a huge trashcan container that they put one plant and a light and they just leave them in there all day, maybe it will help force them to deliver.
  7. BKO Overdrive

    Gravid female need help!!!

    My girl is doing the same thing, she showed her receptive colors.....bright green with blues and yellow....then she went normal....3 months later (now) she showed her receptive colors again but she looks like your second picture. Ive never seen her go dark with blues and yellows, JUst green with...
  8. BKO Overdrive

    Lights....Or Sick?

    Reason I think the light might be an issue is I use a Compact mini florescent 5.0, i dont use the tube design. I can get it, so i was thinking of going that route to see if that makes it better. I know some people have reported issues with the compacts. Like stated, he runs and hides in the...
  9. BKO Overdrive

    How long can a 10 month old chameleon go without eating?

    Yes in theory she should be fine. MY girl has gone 4 days because she was sick on meds. But Like others said, if shes healthy and no medical issues, then your okay. Usually crickets are 3$ max for just 20. Cant spare that?
  10. BKO Overdrive

    How long can a 10 month old chameleon go without eating?

    I hate to be the first one to say this but shouldn't your priority have been to make sure your little girl is fed before a gift was purchased. Not trying to mean just concerned.
  11. BKO Overdrive

    Lights....Or Sick?

    Trust me I wont, Ive kept my vieled like a queen that she is. Shes doing great, but this guy has always given me issues. I wont take long to get him taken care of
  12. BKO Overdrive

    Lights....Or Sick?

    So ive had this Jacksons cham under my care for a few months now. He always was stubborn about eating but got him to eat silk worms fine. Now a new issue is hes going to sleep alot during the day. I know a vet visit is usually recommended and I will take that course of action but I wanted to...
  13. BKO Overdrive

    Monsoon Solo Mister

    Thats currently what I use to mist both my Vieled and Jackson Chams. I have four nozzles hooked up 2 in each cage and it sprays them fine. There are a few things ive had to do in order to fit it to my liking. Almost any member on here will tell you to buy Mist King. Is it worth it in the end...
  14. BKO Overdrive

    My Chameleon Viv

    Thats cool, if my girl sees me she runs, she hates everyone but to her we are just monsters. Does he get enough UVB being out as much?
  15. BKO Overdrive

    My Chameleon Viv

    Thats cool how he likes to go in and out as he pleases, my girl wont even let me get close but thats okay I respect her. Cool setup!
  16. BKO Overdrive

    Has anyone ordered feeders from nick barta?

    Ive never had any issues from him, Ive ordered supplies and feeder cups, i wouldn't hesitate to order feeders from him going off his past service with me
  17. BKO Overdrive

    My Jackson Not Eating

    Yeah thats what worries me, he ate three, Im not home to see him all the time and the long misting sessions take away the dustings that i do twice a week, the crickets just die in the cage from never being consumed. Its like after he eats a few things its immediate boredom. Ive seen him eat 3...
  18. BKO Overdrive

    My Jackson Not Eating

    Update: I got some silkworms in, my original thought was maybe his tongue was injured and he couldn't use it. But I put a silkworm in front of him, VERY slowly but surely he ate it and used his tongue, he ate three of them, then he went to sleep. The next day according to the care sheet he...
  19. BKO Overdrive

    Feeder cup ideas? Theres the link, just email him, hopefully my jackson learns to feed from it.
  20. BKO Overdrive

    Feeder cup ideas?

    I use the feeder cups that nick barta sells, my vieled loves his but my jackson hasnt discovered how to use it, he just stares at the crickets....but if i put the cricket on a leaf he eats it, so not sure what to do there. But anyways, he makes really nice ones, ill go find the link
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