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  1. BKO Overdrive

    What's the difference between a male and female chameleon?

    Yeah thats a Female for sure
  2. BKO Overdrive


    Id say this is a solid start, once the bills get higher as you get older though you might not be able to start halfing, maybe a fourth cause the wife/gf will need a 1/4th too :)
  3. BKO Overdrive

    calcium and calcium with d3

    @jannb and @Virgil1972 thanks for clearing up my post. Im still new to my little girl cham but Ive read so much haha. Forgot how they can get gout! Cheers!
  4. BKO Overdrive

    calcium and calcium with d3

    Im no expert, but D3 is the vitamin that Chams use to help regulate calcium. They get it threw Natural Sunlight, UVB, and calcium with D3. Since the Sun is really the ultimate source of there D3 we have to give it to them via UVB and supplements. If we give them to much it will reverse the...
  5. BKO Overdrive

    Still Stressed :(

    I tried to get a stool sample to the exotic vet we have in town to check....apparently I choose to go when she took off all week. So I have an appointment Tuesday with her. Also Urate is white, she just pooped. I've been misting her manually with the monsoon as back up. Once I get her a XL cage...
  6. BKO Overdrive

    Still Stressed :(

    So today I installed a security camera so I can monitor her......she did not like that. She got super defense and changed a color I have never seen before. The pic is sorta clear but there were 3 green spots that we almost neon green. Did she think the camera was a male cham and showed off her...
  7. BKO Overdrive

    Chameleon laying flat on the bottom of the enclosure

    I got a zoo med timer and i havnt looked back since its sooo nice. They get in a routine and my girl knows when its almost bed time, she will go to her corner and as soon as the lights go off she curls her tail and puts on her pajama colors.
  8. BKO Overdrive

    I'm not sure what the problem is or if there even is one

    Not sure how your sleep schedule is for her but when you said 2 am mine is usually sleeping by then. Usually I Kill the lights at 8pm and back on at 7am. I dont see any stress patterns on her unless the pic was a little off. Did she have black dots all over her body with black strips how her...
  9. BKO Overdrive


    What i did is i keep the feeder in my right hand, and extend my left hand so that my girl has to get on my left hand to reach the feeder in my right hand. Its a trust exercise. He/She will know that if they go on your hand they will get there food. Then just put your little guy back.
  10. BKO Overdrive

    Still Stressed :(

    Chameleon Info: Your Chameleon - 7th Month Old Vieled Chameleon / Female, Been in my care for 2 months. Handling - I only Handle during feeding to give her trust, ill extend my hand and make her come get the food then i just place her back in her cage. Also to clean her cage but i never grab...
  11. BKO Overdrive

    Chameleon laying flat on the bottom of the enclosure

    Ive noticed its hard to find Calcium without D3 in pet stores especially the chain stores such as petco and petsmart. The only way i was able to find it locally was we have a local non chain petsotre that knows what they are doing and they had it. Thank God. If not order some online. The...
  12. BKO Overdrive

    Changed feeding schedule

    Im dealing with this with Julia, she has a "feeding perch" cause i free range the crickets. When shes hungry she will sit by the vine by the door and look out. Then when i open the door she moves upo the vine and waits lol. Its very cute but breaks my heart at the same time when i walk by and...
  13. BKO Overdrive

    Grow up cages all set up!

    This has inspired me to get lid strips for my setup. I got mine recently but didnt see an led option but i can add some, my girls living area is so dark when i turn all the lights off and leave for the day
  14. BKO Overdrive

    Mr. Freeze just dosn't like me

    What I did was i put a butter worm or silk worm in my right hand, and i used it to bait mine until she was on the edge of the cage. Then as she got closer i pulled the hand with the worm away and presented my left hand as a "stepping stone" in a sense in order for her to get it, before she never...
  15. BKO Overdrive

    Grow up cages all set up!

    woah that is very cool
  16. BKO Overdrive

    Stressed all the time

    Okay well I just started feeding her every other day, middle of last week was when I started. But when she started to act like that was when I added the plants. I took one out and she lost her stress pattern then the next day right back to it. Should I feed her more than 8 crickets and daily. I...
  17. BKO Overdrive

    Stressed all the time

    So I've been having this Female Vieled for 4 months now. She's 7 months old. Recently I wanted to give her some plants to much on as I saw her trying to eat the fake ones I had in there so I added a hibiscus. She loves it and she eats its all the time. I added a pothos plant as well and it got a...
  18. BKO Overdrive

    Laying Bin Option

    I know how serious this is and im looking to take action tomorrow, just need guidance. As of now she has nothing.
  19. BKO Overdrive

    Laying Bin Option

    Okay so i dont have a ton of money to work with here and im trying to find options with what i have, so im a first time cham owner and i wanted it to be a male as to not worry about a female. Well....after a few days when i was told its a male its not. So now in the panic mode that im in i watch...
  20. BKO Overdrive

    Female veild questions

    Yeah this weekend im building a laying bin since our cage bottom can pop out, i was thinking on building a cage "extension" if you will for when the time comes. same dimension as what we have now just 1 ft higher just for her bin. Have to be ready for when that time comes and since this is my...
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