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  1. BugCatcher

    Final Countdown!

    Well, how did you sleep? haha:D:)
  2. BugCatcher

    Final Countdown!

    The wait is such a killer some times lol
  3. BugCatcher

    New Pics of Indi! :)

    It very well may be the camera angle or just me even :) Just keep an eye on it and see if anything changes or you notice it yourself. Better to be safe and on the lookout than sorry.
  4. BugCatcher

    New Pics of Indi! :)

    The corners of his mouth look swollen to me. His right side looking worse than his left.
  5. BugCatcher

    New Pics of Indi! :)

    He is a good looking dude. You may want to have him checked out by a vet though, it looks as if he may have some infection going on in his mouth.
  6. BugCatcher

    Laying Bin Set Up - Educational Video

    Great videos Dez. I will nominate the home fecal as well.
  7. BugCatcher

    My new chams home!!

    I just noticed you have a red heat lamp in addition to the normal incandescent bulb. Generally its not needed and you want to make sure it doesn't get too warm in there.
  8. BugCatcher

    My new chams home!!

    Welcome to the forums! There's lots of great people here who are always willing to help. Your new cham looks great and the enclosure looks awesome. Where was he purchased from?
  9. BugCatcher

    Linear or coils.?

    Use light your reptiles or the reptisun 5.0's. Most definitely use linear bulbs spanning the length of a cage that size. I would even use a dual bulb fixture so there is added light. Something in the 6700K range color wise.
  10. BugCatcher

    Kinyongia feeding video

    Nice video. I like the one of your Ambanja eating the horn also. Took him a min there to decide haha.
  11. BugCatcher

    blown reptiglos

    I think this might be the problem. The power compacts are notorious for blowing in my experience.
  12. BugCatcher

    cage help

    If you are going to use melamine, I would make darn sure you seal the ends of it. It is not typically plywood, it is pressed wood and when it gets we it swells.
  13. BugCatcher

    Bert & Ernie

    Wowzers, wicked colors in the second pic, I dig him!
  14. BugCatcher

    CUTE!!! Little Tobias SLEEPING~!

    Very cool. Sleepy pics are just awesome. :). How old is he?
  15. BugCatcher

    My new setup!

    Hey it looks pretty good. I would reccomend adding another plant to it though for more foliage for you new friend to hide in. That Schefflera looks pretty thin to me.. Maybe even adding another vine or two for a little more horizontal perching spots.
  16. BugCatcher

    Q about sunlight and cage...

    It does have D3 as well as being a multivitamin and calcium supplement all in one.
  17. BugCatcher

    male or female?

    Looks to be a male when I zoom the pic in, but still hard to see. A better shot of the back of his rear legs would tell us more as others havel already said.
  18. BugCatcher

    Comment by 'BugCatcher' in media 'pacino'

    Awesome guy you have! I love his colors.
  19. BugCatcher

    This is a MALE vieled right??

    Is indeed a male.
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