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  1. Yessabub

    Sad chameleon?

    That has to be the sadest look i have ever seen
  2. Yessabub

    Silkworm Cocoon Container?

    Lol say that 10 times fast ^ Anyways what size container should i put them in? I have a 64 oz plastic container would that be alright?
  3. Yessabub

    small success in local petstore!

    Great job!! i usually bitch at most pet stores that have chams lol, saving one chameleon at a time! :D
  4. Yessabub

    Happy Birthday Camille!

    Happy Birthday Camille!!!!!! From me and Spike :D
  5. Yessabub

    Eating Dirt

    I dont really understand what your talking about but when it comes to your cham eating dirt thats something that they all will do just make sure you get that covered up with some rocks. If he ingests too much of it it can cause impaction.
  6. Yessabub

    Cool Chameleon Photoshop Tutorial

    That is preety cool
  7. Yessabub

    Growing silworms

    Just feeding them everyday and keeping them at room temperature like 75 degrees is all it takes. They grow really fast anyways
  8. Yessabub

    Sperm Plug?

    Spike is 11 months old now and he has never had one. When do they start getting them?
  9. Yessabub

    Female with Heart!

    That is very cool
  10. Yessabub

    New Cham

    Yeh LION KING!!!!!!!!!!! good looking dude :)
  11. Yessabub

    Molly update, not well...

    Because you took good care of her
  12. Yessabub

    Molly update, not well...

    Im so sorry for your loss kayla
  13. Yessabub

    Isis turns red!

    Maybe you could consider changing ITS name to something for a boy or a girl like Billy or Kelly LOL
  14. Yessabub

    mealworm bettles

    Not many people feed them to chameleons, at least not that many anywayz
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