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  1. BigBlue

    Mistking starter kit? or Ultimate value kit?

    get the ultimate value system, it is well worth it. You need the timer and it comes with it. You will love this setup, I have 6 cages with 1 head in each cage. I am presently setting up 2 more cages so I will be adding 2 more heads. This system will handle it with no problem. It's very expandable.
  2. BigBlue

    Panther chameleon photoshoot

    fantastic looking group!
  3. BigBlue

    Number of species bred?

    Panthers, veildes and pygmys.
  4. BigBlue

    My new K. Multituberculata, thanks Seeco!

    Awesome, I want one of these guys!
  5. BigBlue

    New drainage system

    Beautiful setup...real nice work. How do you keep the plants alive, I didn't see any pots in the cages.
  6. BigBlue

    Its done. Please check it out!@!@!

    nice map, mine should be moved closer to Toronto. Right now you have my location days away from where I actually live! Other than that...nice job.
  7. BigBlue

    Find Members near you.

    Ontario, Canada (St. Catharines - 15 minutes from Niagara Falls)
  8. Eye On You

    Eye On You

    The Eye of the Hunter
  9. BigBlue

    Steve Irwin and Chameleons

    What a great video. Man, he was one passionate guy...RIP Steve.
  10. BigBlue

    Another drainage question :p

    If you have a live plant in the enclosure, the weight of the plant should be enough to lower the centre enough to drain. It works for me.
  11. BigBlue

    Distilled or Reverse Osmosis?

    I use RO water.
  12. BigBlue

    Crazy Chameleon Story

    I'd change his name to Evil Knievel. Thats one fantastic story.
  13. BigBlue

    Cage Question

    That size would refer to 24" wide by 24" deep by 48" tall. This size is fine for an adult male chameleon. The cages from LLL Reptile are very good. Easy to assemble and light weight. The shipping is a bit pricey to Canada when I order them but you won't have that issue.
  14. BigBlue

    Exploding anus?!?!?

    He was letting it out for a breath of fresh air!
  15. BigBlue

    Mississauga Reptile Expo (GTA)

    I will be there!
  16. BigBlue

    Big Surprise..little baby!

    Well, today I thought I would set up a new pygmy tank and move my 3 pygs over to their new home. While pulling the tank apart I found 13 eggs buried, they all look great. Then to my surprise, there in front of me was the smallest chameleon I have ever seen. A little baby pig had hatched in the...
  17. BigBlue

    Help NOOB, Hatchlings

    Unfortunatley, when a cham is so small, the vet really can't do much. At least thats been my experience. It's tough to see them go through this. I hope she pulls through.
  18. BigBlue

    Help NOOB, Hatchlings

    I've had baby chams do the same thing. Drop to the ground and curl up and turn black. I've even seen them trigger the others to do the same, all within a short period of time. In the end they were all fine once I left them alone, seems it may be a distress mechanism. Give them some time to get...
  19. BigBlue

    misting help

    Here's the link for MistKing.
  20. BigBlue

    Vlad's Enclosure Picture!!

    I LOVE IT! It has a neat retro look and the way you have hidden all the working stuff is great...good job.
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