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  1. FredChameleon

    what does head bobbing mean

    was there music playing at the time you saw the head bobbing? :)
  2. FredChameleon

    Vet in Columbus OH
  3. FredChameleon

    Is something wrong?

    chameleons sometimes get tired of eating the same thing... they do like a variity sometimes or would just prefer one thing... seems yours is into what it is eating now. get a bearded dragon, they will eat anything your cham won't and then some.. and take a chill pill
  4. FredChameleon

    help please?!

    take her to the vet, no since in waiting for the eye to get worse.
  5. FredChameleon

    June bugs?

    My Jackson won't touch them, but my bearded dragon absolutly loves them!
  6. FredChameleon

    What could cause eye closing?

    Dr White yes i have used Dr. White, he is very good. i highly recommend him. i took my jackson Chameleon to him and it was the best thing i ever did for my little guy.
  7. FredChameleon

    Some questions
  8. FredChameleon

    what should i store Silkworms in?

    go to this site and get some roaches:
  9. FredChameleon

    What could cause eye closing?

    JCDenton, i found a really good reptile Vet here in Houston. Dr Larry N. White Briarcrest Veterinary Clinic 7-789-8320 he raises reptiles and knows just about everything about them
  10. FredChameleon

    ive been thinking hard lately

    i'd take him as far away from people as i could and let him go...
  11. FredChameleon

    food question

    30??? yikes, that's how many my beardie eats in one sitting... lol when the crix are small i would just give about 6 or 7 and if they go quick see if he will eat a few more. you don't want to leave the crix in with the cham over night, they may consider him as a late night snack and hurt him...
  12. FredChameleon

    food question

    every other day seems to be the best. in the begining your Cham may not eat... mine didn't eat for the first week and a half but them he went on an eating rampage!!! now he eats about 7 crix every other day and he gets a dragon fly about once a week. i have an anole in the cage with him and he...
  13. FredChameleon

    Hornworm dilemma

    i ordered horn worms from coastal also and they were just fine, came just like yours did. my jackson loved them and my beardy loved them also:D
  14. FredChameleon

    Somebody please help me!!!

    be patient, you will need to be the hunter and study each branch of each tree carefully, look for any odd shape on the branches. it will be like squirrel hunting... they freeze in the tree and you have to search each branch for something out of the norm.... when you find an odd shape you need to...
  15. FredChameleon

    new to this....thanks

    Possible lighting issue. make sure you have all the correct lighting!
  16. FredChameleon

    Fruit Flies in Plants

    put an anole in the cage with the cham. they get along pretty well and the anole will eat the little stuff that the cham won't
  17. FredChameleon

    Need help now !!!

    find a reptile vet and get him an appointment!
  18. FredChameleon

    Reptile Show Frequency?

    if they had reptile shows in Houston, I would go. I have never seen any advertisement for shows here.:(
  19. FredChameleon

    Toronto Chameleon Keppers!

    i would google a reptile vet for your area. i did and found one with in 5 miles of me. the store you got your cham from might know of a vet also.
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