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  1. Clifford

    Cham not eaten in over a week :-(

    hang in there I had to do this the chameleon survived easily, but it was hard on ME he now eats everything he's offered. I take care not to offer many supers or waxworms, or too much of anything else either
  2. Clifford

    Receptive Colors???

    I think its male too To know for sure, find someone else who has males and females. Show them each other, watch reactions. That or wait for eggs.
  3. Clifford

    Panther chameleon weights

    male NosyBe aprox 12cm Snout to Vent 3 yrs old roughly 180grams
  4. Clifford

    A few questions for a beginner

    Hello My cage is about that size. I have a Nosy Be. I use and 18" UVB 5.0 tube and I wouldnt go smaller than that. 24" would be better probably. 85F is sufficient for basking for an adult (lower for a baby), so use whatever light bulb gets the basking area to that point. I use a temp guage...
  5. Clifford

    Gutloading Crickets With NORI (Roasted Seaweed)

    I use seaweed nori (like is used for sushi rolls) as well as dehydrated bull kelp and spirulina, as part of my gutload. SandraChameleon introduced these to me, so I know she does too.
  6. Clifford


    Interesting! So, about the cockroaches and vitamin A Does this mean that if I am using roaches as an occassional feeder I need not be concerned about providing any other source of vitamin A for my chameleon? I've been feeding my roaches dog food twice a year to ensure real vitamin A gets into...
  7. Clifford

    LED grow lights

    LED grow lights are great for plants. They provide no heat though, so you have still have a hallogen (or other) basking light.
  8. Clifford

    Contest Theme Suggestions

    How about a "tail" theme? Lots of people take pictures of the curled up tails of their chameleons. (I realize this may exclude those with stubby tailed species)
  9. Clifford

    Potted Vine???

    Ya, my pothos grew in 6 months from a few short cuttings to over 4 feet long and now I have to keep trimming it back. Light, water, Nitrogen = growth
  10. Clifford

    Hey I'm new.. also, questions

    Ive read that waterfalls are a bad idea, as are ice cubes. Misting (spraying) and drippers are the correct ways to provide water. Since you've only had him a week, he's probably still exploring his new cage territory.
  11. Clifford


    Toss the plant and get a new one. It will be faster and less expensive.
  12. Clifford

    Only eats superworms

    Yes, my chameleon got hooked on superworms, and it took 8 days before he gave in and began eating other things. Now I take care to ensure to only offer superworms once a week, so he doesnt get stuck on them again. It is commonly done, for those like me who were ignorant of the problem...
  13. Clifford

    Hornworm food substitute?

    Right, its the tomatoe plant leaves (not the fruit) that are toxic
  14. Clifford

    Only eats superworms

    While some people have had chameleon survive well on only superworms, it is far preferable to ensure the chameleon eats a wide variety of bugs. So just stop giving him superworms for a few weeks, and only offer other bugs. He will eat the other bugs eventually, breaking his habit. Superworms...
  15. Clifford

    Cricket gutload question

    I give my roaches a handful of dog kibbles twice a year, every May longweekend in Spring and at Thanks Giving (Fall). This is my way of adding preformed vitamin A to their diet, both the roaches and my chameleon. The rest of the year, there is only beta carotene. My chameleon is middle-aged...
  16. Clifford

    Changing Colour Question

    They go darker when gravid, right? (not my image)
  17. Clifford

    Petition to Change Chuck G's Avatar

    you mean that's not him?
  18. Clifford

    screen vs glass retaining heat/RH

    I use a big bird cage to house my chameleon. In the winter, when humidity is low due to electric heating, I use a green plastic shower curtain to cover the back and both sides (cut to fit). This helps retain humidity when I need it, and I remove it when I want better air circulation. Gives me...
  19. Clifford

    Hornworm food substitute?

    sweet red bell peppers (buy organic, as most regular store bought ones have lots of pesticides still on/in them). also I've heard they will eat silkworm chow, so maybe they would also eat mulberry leaves or dandelion leaves or romaine?
  20. Clifford

    Trying to make Julie feel better

    good luck Julie
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