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  1. E

    Laying bin size and privacy - setup advice requested

    Hey all, I'm approaching time to deal with my first panther laying situation and just wanted to get some advice on laying bin setups, in particular in regards to privacy VS size First, to put my setup into perspective because it is NOT normal..... 1) I free-range my male and female...
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    My 6 Month Old Chamleon Suddenly Died Last Night :o(

    I did not follow this thread, but in the off-chance it has not been said... You have UVB+Heat, excellent. Some tips to improve overall: -Remove the water dish, it adds bacteria and a chance to drown (unfortunately, I am speaking from experience) -You should add a lot more foliage...
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    So tired of these threads..

    Sadly, it IS illegal for them to sell animals without care sheets but this is neither enforced nor monitored....I have "tested" various pet stores by playing dumb and have been given veiled caresheets for pantehrs, etc. in the past It REALLY needs to be illegal. A pet store should be held...
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    420 reptile show

    i hadn't heard of it either....can you link some info? edit: welcome to the forums, looks like you are in my neighborhood :)
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    First DIY

    Hello, That size is fantastic :) 4x2x2 is avg rec for male adult. Few questions for you.... 1) You said you are converitng a "dresses" I'm guessing you mean dresser. So this is already built? 2) I protect the INSIDE of my wood using DRYLOK Latex based masonry waterproofer. You...
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    Enclosure Nearly Done

    yea it looks like you destroyed a nice exo terra cage to make this it looks nice, but you are aware that adult males need 2'x2'x4' enclosures. the setup you have will work (i agree with more foliage) but will not last you more than 3-6 months, imho. i also would not keep a bowl of any kind...
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    Is this ok to use for a non d3 calcium supplement

    that is a multivitamin (same one I use) but NOT a calcium the calcium supplement they make is the green label, here is the link:
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    Mist nozzle blocked in 2 days!?!

    Reptisafe only aids in the removal of chlorines/etc as far as I know and will have no effect on minerals/deposits in tap water that contribute to the clogging. The mineral content of your tap will vary depending on where you live. Not sure what types of filters you have on there, but you...
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    homemade uvb fixture

    What do you do with the ballast itself? It seems like that ballast has its own housing so you don't need to house it separately? Where do you mount the ballast itself? Local "Industrial Lighting Suppliers" sell basically what you have made here for about $20-30 except with a more professionally...
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    Mist nozzle blocked in 2 days!?!

    2 days seems awfully fast.....are you running RO water through it? Tap water will clog it, but 2 days seems really fast still
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    try searching for "LECA" or "Hydroton" or "expanded clay pellets". I believe hydroballs is the brand name of one of the makers. And as someone else said, hydroponics stores are your best bet
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    I didn't follow the replies too closely, but I'll throw in my 2 cents here.... - The hood you have is low quality, but will suffice. -You need a 5.0 UVB light; you can use CFL. Just realize they have less light distribution....for your tiny cage, this is fine. But when you upgrade to a large...
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    MY cham died today trying to find the cause

    Basking spot of 70 was certainly too cold. The ambient temps should be 70ish, the basking spot should be at least 85. Was she able to digest her food/poop properly? The 5.0 CFL bulbs of older days had troubles, but modernly, it should be fine if you use a CFL or a tube light as long as you...
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    summer lighting

    Some users do match daylengths, but by no means is it necessary. You are fine keeping 12 on/12off all year as well.
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    critique away!!

    I'd also add a tiny bit more foliage, but I think overall you got everything setup fantastic :)
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    Chameleon Hearing? Loss of Sleep

    Chameleons do not hear sound in the same sense that we do (in effect, they do not have ears). Rather they "hear" vibrations.....sorry I don't know more specific on the details, but I wouldn't worry too much about your noise keeping him up. Perhaps a light or something that you turned on...
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    UVB 10.0 or 5.0?

    The 10.0 puts out more UVB than the 5.0. I believe this is the only difference. And yes too much UVB can be harmful. However, it is unlikely that using a single 10.0 bulb will cause problems, especially if your setup is densely planted allowing them to escape some of the rays if they wish.
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    Anyone interested in Vines?

    what kind of wood? are you talking about dried wood or fresh cut living vines? Pics would help primary concern is rotting/longevity
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    My chameleon has just spewed a few mins ago!

    I think Laurie has this covered, but just to beat a dead horse...
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    Is it good enough with my lighting?

    Perhaps I wasn't clear...UVA is not visible light. It is part of the ultraviolet spectrum. UVA light is not "white" nor any other color because it is not visible at all. There are bulbs that generate BOTH "white" light AND UVA light....simlarly our UVB bulbs generate both UVB (invisible) and...
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