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  1. Dean Pulcini

    update on the baby quads

    Nice chameleons, you don't here about quadricornis being born that much. Are they CB or CH.
  2. Dean Pulcini

    Sidney the 'Mature' Ambanja

    I remember old sid still going strong I see, very good job with his longevity.
  3. Dean Pulcini

    Pics of our new Parsonii Boy

    Welcome to the Parsonii club he looks great. Do you know his age? Your going to have to change your avatar now. Haveing a chameleon is fun but haveing a Parsonii is amazing I'm very happy for you good luck with him.
  4. Dean Pulcini

    Help please my chameleon is dying.

    When I put my chameleons outdoors he seem to revert back to what they are a wild animal. My chameleon doesn't even want to see me when he's outside. I get him out from April (this year) until October all depends on the temp and he stays out rain or shine. Even early spring when still indoors he...
  5. Dean Pulcini

    Help please my chameleon is dying.

    If you can put him back in his tree asap not on the heat pad and a regular house bulb for heat red bulbs are not recommended for chameleons only if your house gets below 60 at night.
  6. Dean Pulcini

    Male crickets dying off?

    Could be cricket war fighting over the females.
  7. Dean Pulcini

    Help please my chameleon is dying.

    You need to get a handle on the temp how else would you know what his basking site is. How warm is it there today? And he must come in at night I just saw where you live . It might be too cold for him still during the day. All you need is a regular house bulb for heat . If it's uv were talking...
  8. Dean Pulcini

    rare chams

    Calumma my favorite chameleon species. Pictures rarely capture them correctly but this picture is nice.
  9. Dean Pulcini

    Help please my chameleon is dying.

    He's probably stressed provide plenty of shade and water. What kind of chameleon and what is the temp.
  10. Dean Pulcini

    Captive Bred Kinyongia matschiei from CNorton

    Very nice little guys.
  11. Dean Pulcini

    going outdoors

    Six hours of direct sunlight is more then enough , provide plenty of shade.
  12. Dean Pulcini

    The clock is ticking

    Nice, are you keeping them indoors right away? Or is this for the winter.
  13. Dean Pulcini

    This is funny but so sad

    Law of the land right there.
  14. Dean Pulcini


    What a fantastic little chameleon. To not only survive in that ciimate, but at one time flourish, is unbelievable.
  15. Dean Pulcini

    A day at the Fort Woth Zoo(Pic heavy)

    Everything happening at the zoo.
  16. Dean Pulcini

    Outside today and first roach!

    Looks like he's getting some rays.
  17. Dean Pulcini

    20 cage baby raiser project

    Looks like a great setup.
  18. Dean Pulcini

    What the heck is this????

    Moth or butterfly cacoon?
  19. Dean Pulcini

    New Jackson Pics

    Good looking jackson you have there.
  20. Dean Pulcini

    HELP. This does not look right.

    How can I say this, that's his junk. That happen's sometimes.
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