Use pure Calcium for every feed, and D3 about once a month, to much D3 can cause issues, as for drinking, they do not always drink the water they are supplied, often getting all the hydration from the prey.
As for closed eyes during the day, she might be about to slough this can cause the eyes...
There is little anthropomorphic personification, I talk to my pet's, I will hug the fluffy ones, and will wind up my chameleon.
However I treat and respect them as animals, I try to adapt my environment to suite them, I do not expect them to adapt to my environment.
A loss is a loss, it is...
My response...
I think the term 'Adoption' boils down to regional semantics, I consider all my pets as specimens from there respective class and kingdom domain 'life'.
I include many of the plant's and fungi I keep as well.
I would like to think I care for all the specimens with the same if...
No expert.. but eye bump... Parasitic?
I suspect the eye bump might be parasitic, I would recommend a quick visit to a vet.
Calcium should be supplemented daily, but correct the D3 should only be given every fortnight.
Posted same time as Jan, and you should listen to Jan. :)
Pre warned
Just making sure your prepared to be bitten, rather than being bitten and flinging your chameleon from one side of the room to the other.
Sorry to make you tentative, you will be fine. :)
Be prepared to take a nip..
My veiled is mighty antisocial, but we are working on it.
My only advice is, be prepared for him to bite, it will hurt, and will probably break the skin, however it is imperative that you keep your nerve, and override your own reaction to pain.
Once on your...
Trying to get 'Fella' my vieled to switch to roaches..
I also wish 'Fella' would eat Roaches we are now on day 7 of hunger strike since I switched his feeder, today I relented, and allowed him to fill up on his favourite stinky noisy crickets.
is it possible to find something, like a bedspread to cover her cage, if she see's you or is alarmed by anyone there is a good chance she will abandon her laying bin altogether.
Never a crazed gunman that walks into the CEO's office..
Looks like your wasted in amongst the Petco$ of this world.
I hope you continue to study any/all creatures within your care just do not expect much if any recognition from head office.
If I neglected my animals like many of the...
Think Kirsty has a lot of support here.
I am thinking that Kristy is under a lot of stress, and will hopefully realise you where just voicing your opinion Ziggy.
We all come from different walks of life, we all have various underlying pressures and anxiety's, and circumstances change fast.