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  1. J

    Zoomed repti breeze

    I not saying your wrong and I new to chams so I don't know but aren't they wild animals so they exists in the wild and there is most likely less food per square foot in wild than in any size cage so y would big cage matter especially if u put half in cage a half in cup plus all my crickets...
  2. J

    Not eating?

    My guy didn't eat well for almost two weeks but now he eats like a champ had him over two months now . you could try what I did which was hang a sheet from ceiling with tacs to give him complete privacy
  3. J

    Help on feeding

    I don't have A ton of experience only about a mouth and a half with my first cham but for the first two weeks he barely ate anything then all of a sudden he started eating everything I put in there and during that time he got pretty skinny now he is up on weigh and looks really healthy. hope...
  4. J

    Eating help please

    update he is eating like a champ now nailing feeders minutes after they in cage.
  5. J

    Dubia Colony

    I had my first set of baby dubia today so my husbandry on them must be working somewhat
  6. J

    Dubia Colony

    If I may ask what do u feed them how do u heat them ???
  7. J

    Dubia Colony

  8. J

    Portable heated/ light battery operated cage

    You could always get one of those bigger batteries from a home depot type store and get a electrician or do it your self but cut of a plug and attach light to a battery and make one per say.
  9. J

    Questions of Acclimation

    How new are they My cham was dark green for the first two weeks almost but now he stays light green some chams just take longer to get settled in.
  10. J

    Dubia Colony

    I was talking about once a week maybe sprinkling fish food on their dry food which consist of dry baby cereal and oats. Gonna add alfalfa to it soon
  11. J

    Dubia Colony

    Yeah I put I few orange sections in there every other day. I see everywhere to use protein should u use a protein based food then pull out "feeders" and gut load them two day with no protein or will the produce without the prtein base.
  12. J

    Dubia Colony

    I only have the one cham and I got 25 females and 6 males I plan to get more reptiles but for now just starting a colony for my one cham then when my colony established my friends will buy some off me
  13. J

    Dubia Colony

    Just started my dubia colony today. I ordered from Dubia Diner very pleased with there services. will been keeping updated with there progress any advice is appreciated
  14. J


    I looked locally in ohio and couldn't find any but I did find a great deal on ebay from a place called dubia diner I got 25 female and 5 males shipped for under 30 dollars and when they got here I had 28 female 6 males and a few babies. It is super cold here and not a single one died even though...
  15. J

    Eating help please

    I have dubias on the way but the shipping got delayed. he doesn't really stay one color but I would say its a medium green he has been getting lighter lately though
  16. J

    Eating help please

    sry I had put this info in a previous forum sry I didn't think of it. cham-male veil cham 3-4 months had him just over a week handle -only handled him once since I got him for less than a min feeding- I feed him a few crixs and butter worms in morning but he barely eat they last all day I...
  17. J

    Eating help please

    pic of him he gets dark when I try to touch him had him in my hand but u kept running lol didn't have anyone to take pic if u need better pic I can try..
  18. J

    Eating help please

    the have caliworms here but when I opened them at pet smart they were all dead solider flies are these same thing could I just go to better pet place here and get those its super cold here would they live I already worried for my roaches temps were ok when I order now the reaching -15 tomm
  19. J

    Eating help please

    is there anyone who is around northwest Ohio that knows where I can get a flying feeder.
  20. J

    Eating help please

    [I] did a lot of research before I got him and I doing it all like I have seen on here I not too worried about him yet he eats enough to survive at least a\two crickets a day if not more I just don't see him eat them except a few times I see him drink a lot though. just trying to get opinions I...
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