
Umm... How can a lizard be "bad"? She's a lizard. Lizards behave like lizards. If she doesn't bite you or run away, it's because you've done a good job building trust.
She is a good girl because she eats her veggies, she doesnt bite, and she rarely walks though her own poo.
Don't judge me. She is a good girl.
Judge you? I complemented your trust-building. They don't not bite if they're scared of you.
IDK about walking through ?. The one time Stinkeye did it, he was very young and still running away.
Now he just tries to get away from it, and I don't blame him... Whew! :rolleyes:
Bath time. Despite the look she does actually enjoy it and loves being pampered.
Anyone else’s beardie have ticklish feet? Or is it just my weirdo ?
Nice markings, and HUGE eyes! ?

Stinkeye woke up (again) today. Went immediately into the bath.
He's still basking right now (been 2 hrs). Time'll tell if The Big Sleep is over or not.
Well... I was hopeful, but he's back to it...
View attachment 280570
It cracks us up that he usually sleeps with both arms tucked back like this.
He must have sensed me with the camera again. This is the look that got him his name.
Welcome to the world that I have (hopefully) left. Every time I see Spike going in his hide at night I panic. I guess he’s just learned that it’s a nice soft cozy place to sleep rather than upright against the glass.
~sigh~ Spike’s new Zen enclosure arrived and I very excitedly set it up bioactive. Still waiting for some isopods and slate pieces, but was too excited to wait and put him in this morning. ~sigh~ Yea...he hates it. He’s been like this for at least 30 minutes just staring at me. The rest of the time he’s scratching like mad to get out. I opened the door and he immediately jumped onto me. Back to the drawing board. :rolleyes:
Aw, you know about relocation stress. Give him a little time to warm up to it. ;)
Thing's probably reeking of "new habitat smell" ?
Too late. He was so very miserable that I removed all the substrate, cleaned it up and set it up artificially. Now he is very happy and relaxing/basking. Go figure. ?‍♀️ I thought he would like a more natural environment.
A now happy Spike.
Too late. He was so very miserable that I removed all the substrate, cleaned it up and set it up artificially. Now he is very happy and relaxing/basking. Go figure. ?‍♀️ I thought he would like a more natural environment.
A now happy Spike.

Yes, if all Spike knew (or knows) is an artificial habitat, I can see how suddenly presenting him with the call of the wild could be discombobulating.*

If going bioactive was or is your goal, I think you either do it all at once and deal with the stress, or slow things down a bit and introduce changes more gradually. :)

* Been a long time since I've used that word in a sentence! :ROFLMAO:

Yes, if all Spike knew (or knows) is an artificial habitat, I can see how suddenly presenting him with the call of the wild could be discombobulating.*

If going bioactive was or is your goal, I think you either do it all at once and deal with the stress, or slow things down a bit and introduce changes more gradually. :)

* Been a long time since I've used that word in a sentence! :ROFLMAO:
I didn’t really think about it like that. Maybe there’s a way to slowly ease him in to it. If not, so be it. He does really love his fluffy blanket and plushie friend...every night goes in his hide to sleep with them. Neither are very soil friendly. As long as he’s happy, I’m happy.
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