
I couldn’t resist lol. My son did not like it though.
She named it Opal. I hope it is a girl so its name fits. Haha.
Howdy folks, I'm not late (well, I am...:rolleyes:)—just new here.

I did read the entire thread, but don't recall seeing if Opal's sex has been verified.
If it turns out she is a he, Opallios is one possible alternative. It was on my chameleon names list, but I don't think I'll be using it. ;) It means (allegedly): “to see a change in color.”

They are little eating machines, but as "beardie slaves" know, they're built quite differently than chameleons. My dragon was 15g. when I brought him home, and a couple of months later, he was putting on 30g per week.

Some beardies may drink (mine never did) but coming from an arid climate, most get all the water they need through their diet of juicy bugs and fresh greens. They also don't need baths unless they're soiled or having a problem with stuck shed. But baths generally won't hurt either. When necessary, I use distilled water heated to 100°F (measured with a temperature gun). bearded dragon bathing

The keys to taming are patience and perseverance. There's a lot of information on the sites already mentioned, as well as YT and the web. Like any internet sources, there is good information, and some not-so-good information.

Opal's a cutie, but whose baby pictures aren't cute? :LOL:
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