Cham lost outside in NY

Still no Zen

We've been continuing to search day and night, but still no luck. We are excited that Burnedrose is coming tomorrow and may be able to climb a few trees and get a better look around for him.

hilltower, I am serious when I suggest using a high resolution camera (your phone is probably higher resolution than my camera) to photograph the a 360 of the tree for starts. This board allows for pretty big attachments, so you could attach them to posts here (I think you can do 3 per post) and we could try to help or we could send you our e-mail addresses and you can send us the file. I'm always up for a game of "Where's Waldo?"
This is the last photo we have of Zen

This is the last photo of Zen and it's not color-enhanced. He's spectacular!



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I wish I was closer, I'd help you look! But i will most definitely be praying for you and your lost cham. People don't realize that chams can be such a wonderful pet and you can get as attached to them just as much as you would a dog or cat or any other domestic pet. I truly hope you find your cham and my thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family in this trying time. Pray to God, it may sound silly but he always listens and he provides and works miracles everyday, so I'll leave it at this, WHEN you find him, not IF you find him, make sure to relish in that moment. I wish i could help though :(
man i hope you guys find of luck...i had 2 friends lose their chams of them only lost one but the other lost 2 chams...oh man was he sad...dont give up...keeeep looking...
If you have a female you can put in a screen cage in the area, that might lure him to her.

Many years ago I lost a couple young Veiled after a large storm blew their outdoor cage over and open (in MI). It was around this time of year actually. I looked around the area but found nothing. Toward the end of summer I was shocked one day to see a subadult male Veiled displaying to my caged female (his mother, in fact). I rushed over and nabbed him before he was able to make his way back up the maple he had descended. I never found the other one.
He is a gorgeous chameleon Marla! I hope you don't mind, I emailed the Sean Casey Animal Rescue in Long Island, I'm not sure if they cover the area as far up as you guys, but they are a huge rescue organisation and likely to know if a chameleon is found, or at least who it is likely to be taken to and passed on to. I'll follow any leads they pass on, I figured you had enough to worry about without chasing admin stuff.
Thanks everyone

Thanks everyone for the continuing support. Thanks Trillian, that is so generous of you to take your time to help us. I can't tell you how much we appreciate all the support and kindness you have all extended on this forum.

Zen is my 13-yo. daughter's chameleon that she saved up for for over a year. She has been ill for the last 7 months and getting Zen has helped her so much. As she has been getting healthier, Zen has been growing and gaining his colors. So as he blossomed, she blossomed. We still have a long road ahead of us and not having Zen with us has been really hard. Everyday she would watch him in his cage and taking care of him, really helped build her confidence and, I really believe, helped her work towards becoming more healthy. So, all your support has really helped us during this difficult time.

Thanks again!!! You guys are awesome!!!

Do you feel that he is a lost cause now or do you still have hope of finding him?

I wish you all the best of luck anyway
i can only imagine how upset your daughter must be over your run away cham. My Vieldie got loose in our house once when he was a baby and we tore the place apart looking for him. I really hope you guys find him safe and sound :)
its just a matter of time before you find him, I have been praying and God works MIRACLES everyday, you WILL find him!
Wow! I just now saw this thread. I am so sorry :(

I guess it's been a few days now!?

I really hope you find him.

Sometimes, it takes me an hour to find my little cham even in a 18 x 18 x 36 cage! I could not even imagin haveing to find him in a whole tree!!!

I feel so bad for you and your daughter
If you have a female you can put in a screen cage in the area, that might lure him to her.

Maybe someone in the area has a female they would be willing to bring over? It's also possible that a reptile shop (maybe where you got Zen) would be willing to let you borrow a female.
I helped search for him today. I firmly believe he IS out there and wasn't taken by a hawk. The tree they have for him outside is a small sapling, only about 6 feet high that is a fair distance from the other trees. There were no damaged branches or leaves out of place or any blood or scrapes on the bark to infer a hawk had grabbed him while he was sunning. Seeing that a hawk would have had to come down low to the ground AND would have had to use enough force to pull him off the branches, I doubt a hawk came by. I've seen hawks attack bird nests before and they generally make quite the racket when they have to swoop in close like that.

I climbed a few trees, scanned the area, but it's a large area and he can be anywhere. I do think he may have seek shelter in the garage, which is relatively close to the tree. The garage is slightly warmer, has plenty of nummy bugs hiding around and many many vertical climbing surfaces. The trees, although their upper branches are dense, have trunks that are spaced fairly far apart, so he'd be crawling on the ground for a bit in hopes of finding a trunk that wasn't too slick to climb. The trees are mostly ash trees, which has a rather slick bark that might be hard for a cham to climb. I was able to climb up the ash trees, myself, but at times they were too slick for me to even grasp - and I've been able to climb up 25 foot bamboo stalks, no problem.

So I told her daughter to keep looking - I am sure he is out there, but now it's just a matter of finding him.
For you daughters sake as well as your chams ... I pray he will be found and bring happiness to each other again.
Burnedrose is awesome!!!

Burnedrose was totally awesome!!! The way she shimmied up those trees was amazing. She really brought our spirits up and gave us hope!! She was such a sweet person and determined, too. We feel so lucky to have met her.

On a side note, it ends up that Burnedrose and I had actually met before at a shop she worked at (though never formerly introduced) and she graduated from the same college and in the same major as my father. Talk about a small world!

Thanks again Burnedrose!!!

no worries! It's the least I could do! I just wish we found him, but I have a feeling he is out there. I will come over whenever you want and look for you guys - plus, it's starting to get sunny out again, so hopefully that pulls him out from where he has been hiding!
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