Cham lost outside in NY

I really hope you find him, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

I have a feeling he'll show up in a weird place. Every time I've lost an animal, they've ended up not too far from where I last saw them. He's probably hiding nearby. He'll pop out soon enough.

Keep us updated.
were all rooting for you!! some pets just take a lil bit of time to come back home.
my dogs lived with my mom on 300 acres, they never went out of sight from the house. one morning she woke up and went to feed em but they were no where to be found. she drove around for quite some time looking every where. early the next morning she woke up to them barking at the front door. the silly dogs took off after a porcipine! thankfully the vet was able to get them in immediately and get the quills outta their noses.
another time my 3 foot boa got out. i only had her for 3 days. she was a valentines gift from me to me this year, after driveing 3 hours to pick her up and back. anyways woke up to go to class and she was nowhere in her cage. i had to run off to class but came home before my next one and went thru everything in my house, went to my next class and came home before the next one, looked some more and found mold in my kitchen baseboards. (a slight plus of her gettting out), still no sign of her. i had to go to my last class and got home at 10 that night and she was wrapped around my hamster cage. i still have no idea where she was hiding but i quickly picked her up and put her in her cage with all my texted books holding the top on until i could get lock downs. unfortunately she picked up mites somewhere, which is odd cuz none of my other snakes have mites.
and one last success story to keep your hope going: i bought 2 baby hognose (snakes) one for me and one for my friend. my roommate left my door open and her cat knocked their container off the stand. i searched everywhr for them. i found one (5 inches long) within a few hours, but the other one was about 3 incheslong and i was out of places to look. after searching for 3 days between work and school, i gave up and figured one of the cats ate it. on day 5, my roommate came bursting into my room at 7 in the morning on my only day off. i was a bit grumpy at first. she was sooo happy and excited i couldnt understand what she was saying until she put my lil 3 inch "miss piggy" in my hand. she had gotten up to let the dogs out and when she came back thru the living room, the lil hognose was in the dog kennel!
so dont give up!!! sooner or later they find their way back home and fill the tear in our hearts!! :D
There have been stories here of people who found their chameleon a year after it went missing. I'm not saying that you need to keep looking for hours a day for a year, but I am saying that even a couple of weeks is not a long time. They can find food (it flies or crawls right by them) and water and sun just seem to, stay positive!
I've contacted a few animal rescue places and sent them the picture you posted of Zen, although I'm sure there aren't enough chameleons wandering the neighbourhood to warrant needing a picture ID! I figure it all helps though. I just got this message back from someone with a friend who runs a rescue near Albany:

from my friend in Albany
"I have sent this email to a few people up here that do reptile rescue. I also sent it to a place that a lot of people know about in this area and they will also help if someone was to find him. If I can think of anything else , I will forward the email."

"I also posted in the lost and found on Craigs. I did hear back from the place that does education with reptiles. They have not heard anything but will send the info out to their volunteers and supporters. I also sent it to my girlfriend who knows a few people that do reptile rescue. I will let you know if I hear anything. Poor girl, I feel bad for her "
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you don't think someone found him/her and figured it was a good opportunity to take it and keep it as a pet and/or sell it on craiglist/kingsnake/ or any other reptile forums? have you checked to see?
Trillian, that's so great!

DJB, you have a good point. The OP should certainly be checking for someone selling Zen.

However, I think the most likely scenario is still "he's out there".
Trillian, that's so great!

DJB, you have a good point. The OP should certainly be checking for someone selling Zen.

However, I think the most likely scenario is still "he's out there".

The area the OP lives in is NOT a very populated area. So unless her neighbors, who were helping her look for him, decided to be rather rude, it's highly unlikely that someone just found him. Upstate NY goes easily from huge, dense cities to farmland in about 2 miles. For example, I live near another city in the area, Schenectady, but if I drive five miles, I am in complete farmland, with roads that aren't paved and huge cow-and-horse farms, and then five miles beyond that, I am in another city, with skyscrapers, traffic, highways, etc.

Having said that, I have been checking Craigslist and a few local pet rescues, myself, keeping my eyes peeled. You never know if someone is driving down the road and saw a chameleon and picked him up.

But with the proclivity of green trees, brush and bugs out in that area, I'm leaning towards "he's out there" too.
you don't think someone found him/her and figured it was a good opportunity to take it and keep it as a pet and/or sell it on craiglist/kingsnake/ or any other reptile forums? have you checked to see?

I didn't want to say it out loud, but this was one of the reasons I wanted to get as many organisations as possible involved, and send out his photo. But I'm very relieved by what BurnedRose has told us about the area.

Seriously, if Zen could be brought home by willpower, it would be like Thor calling Mjolnir right now... *Zooooooms to your hand, buildings crashing to facilitate easy passage*
Thanks again, everyone! You guys are wonderful!!! Thank you, Trillian and Burnedrose, for all of your work checking Craigslist, reptile rescue groups, etc. Words can't express how thankful we are to have people like you out there. You are so thoughtful!

Still no luck, but we went out last night with a search light and did the wooded areas and then the garage. We are constantly looking up at the power lines and in the trees.

We do want to see if we can find someone who could come out with a female panther cham, but haven't figured out exactly how to find that someone - LOL. Maybe Craigslist or call local pet stores and rescue agencies.

I'm also going to post some pics of the site, but it's quite large, so I don't know how helpful it will be. I think he's not far from his initial tree, so that will be the main focus of the pictures.

Thanks to you guys we still have hope!

hilltowner, in addition to an overview picture, take a series of pictures going all around Zen's tree. I'll send you my e-mail address and you can send them to me. I'd be happy to zoom in tight with my computer and look for him.

Definitely contact the nearby stores that sell reptiles and rescue organizations and see if they would be willing to loan you a female for a day.
ya i didnt wanna be the one to state it, but theres always a chance, give me your location and ill look online for pics of him/her trying to be sold. but i have a feeling that he's just on a little vaca from his/her parents and will turn up soon, he wants to soak up those natural sun rays and get all the wild bugs he can before mom and dad find him! I know he's out there. theres no doubt in my mind you'll find him, its just a matter of time...the chances of someone finding him and deciding to sell him are probably slim considering a normal person would figure "hey, this thing aint from around here, so if i put it up for sale, it will definitely cause a red flag" but...theres always that chance someone found him/her and decided to keep them :( I hope thats not the case...still praying for you all...can you post pictures so i can look online for him/her possibly for sale?
i havent read all the posts so this may have been stated and perhaps you already thought of it bc i'm sure your looking in the trees, but, my panthers go to the highest point of every tree we put them in. and so my suggestion is maybe having someone climb a really high tree with binoculars and look at the other trees? i'm just trying to think of ways to help but im not in the area so i cant really say much :( just that i'm rooting for you guys
Pics of Zen

Here are some pics of Zen. Thanks again for everyone's help!!!!



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Pics of where Zen was last seen

Here are some pics of where Zen was last seen. He was on the little sapling in front of all the trees by the bench (the very first pic shows the sapling he was on).



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What if you hose down a couple of the trees he might u think he might be. It might startle him and make him move .? Good luck.
Okay this is going to sound a little whacked out but at this point I don't think you have too much to lose to at least try it.

Pendulum dousing or divining rod dousing "Water Witching" has a very long and by some accounts successful tradition and can easily be modified to find anything.

If you or someone you know meditates or is otherwise good at clearing their mind in my experience there is higher than random chance success ratio.

Google "Pendulum Dousing" which is the practice of taking a perfectly balanced item hanging from the end of a cord of chain being held in your dominant hand between your index finger and thumb and letting the movements triggered by your subconscious point the direction to the missing object, person, or Chameleon.

Some people are "Naturals" My mother has 100% hit rate when she is looking for stuff kids lost in the yard. We're talking completely out of sight and she was nowhere around when it was lost. I'm terrible at it. Either way I believe it is possible and while the more scientifically minded might scoff I've seen it work.

Most of the web-sites that give techniques are little out there in my opinion and ask that you bless the pendulum and say prayers blah blah blah. It is a tool just like a compass except it isn't as accurate and points to what you're focusing on. There is nothing magic or spiritual about it we just don't fully understand how it works so don't get freaked out by any of the web sites that give how to info.

If you want more information or can't figure out how to get it to work let me know I'd be happy to offer more detail or advice if you want.

You will find him, don't doubt that.
Red7ny1 and Burnedrose, I'll PM you for getting together soon.

Thanks again for your generous offers!!!!

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