New Member
Well ran home from work to collect my BlackJungle shipment from the frontdesk of my building. Opened the box and it went a little like this.
This is what $60 worth of plants looks like.(only the 6 towards the front). Not too happy with this order, but i'll chalk it up as a learning experience.
This was probably the only plant i was pleased with
Jeweled Orchid
The rest..
Victoria Bird's nest fern
Ficus pumila
Pellionia pulchra
Chamaeranthemum venosum
Yeah plants from that store tend to be smallish, but it looks like you got nice selections. Several of those plants should start to grow right away. The Asplenium bird's nest fern is I think actually an epiphyte, but people grow that one as a regualr potted plant so as long as it doesn't get overwatered it should do well.
One good thing about plants from that store is that they seem to be free of insect pests. That's been my experience anyway.
Is that a coffee plant in the back? That might be a real good plant to include. If you repot it you might consider dividing the clump so that there are just a couple of individual plantlets in each pot.