Please help!!!

Right now ive given him 2 doses of the water and glucose mix over the day and he is still very weak. Ive given him a bath and kept him hydrated. Im not expecting immidiate results but im hoping i'll see a good change soon!

Actually christyo2o2 that was gona be my next question. I wasnt sure whether or not to fed him or how much. What i'll do 2moro is try and give him a cricket and see if he chews it!

As for the parafin, thats what i was saying. I took my mum with me and she said that thats what the vet used. You can buy parafin in liquid form as well i think, isnt it lighter fluid!
Im gona try cod liver oil and i'll be careful how much i use!
That's strange!! I forgot that your in the UK. Yea...Parafin is something like a light weight fuel. In the US, we call Parafin, wax. Never heard that for a remedy. Keep us posted. David
Coccidia is usually treated with trimethoprim-sulfadiazine (Tribrissen) or Albon. From what I remember, it needs a sulfa drug to treat it and it doesn't kill the limits its reproduction.
Kinyonga... do you know what the parafin is?? In the UK I thought it was some kind of light fuel oil, kerosene, lighter fluid...something like that. Maybe some of our UK friends can chime in. It's got my curiosity up.
Kinyonga...Now to be known only as, "KING OF THE GOOGLE" lol. Did you see where another name for parafin liquid is USP mineral oil? Thats great. I couldn't imagine giving my cham a little drink of kerosene. Your bad to the bone on those searches. Hope his cham pulls through!! I'd be flipping if it were mine. Scooter was actually quite a bit worse than this, or so it sounded, and he made full recovery. Thanks for the info. David
Guys thanks for all your help but this morning my cham pasted away!
It must have been a lot worse than it seemed and tell you the truth i had a feeling it was gona happen!

I cant believe he's gone and it feels really depressing!
I'm so sorry for your loss. It never gets any easier losing one of these critters...they tug at our hearts. king. :)
Read this and you may never eat candy again....
"The Cylinder Stock or Bottoms fraction is what is left over after the crude oil has been put through the distillation tower. The wax portion is removed to create a product called Micro Wax. Micro has a much higher melting point than paraffins and is therefore suitable for a variety of products we use daily, such as a component of many plastics, candy, and in building materials. Many types of candy that would be too soft otherwise, have their form because of the inclusion of micro wax."
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So sorry to hear about your cham.I really thought you may have caught it early enough to help. Did they diagnose it for sure as an impaction?. Sorry again. David
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