what's you opinions on Climist vs Mistking? (timer specifically, and/or whole unit)

While many people do really push certain places on here to an annoying degree I was just referring to the ignorant people saying climist doesnt provide good customer service or saying that something is fishy because the product is on two websites. I know you guys are all buddy buddy with certain sponsors and try to refer as many people to your friends as possible but dont spread lies and misinformation about a product just because you bought what everyone else told you to buy.

So stating my own personal opinion about Climist and Coastal Silkworms having two different sites seeming odd to me suddenly makes me ignorant? Lmfao. If someone's opinion makes them ignorant all of a sudden, then you have a LOT to learn about how the world really works yo. I wasn't stating any facts, just my opinion. Nor was I trying to sway you one way or the other with what to buy. You want my honest opinion? Not to be mean, but I personally couldn't care less what system you get. It's your choice, not mine. Nobody can tell you what to buy for your cage. What I CAN vouch for though, is how well the MistKing system DOES work, for me, and thousands of other people that have had them and still do. We speak highly of MistKing because we have good experiences with it. Does that mean I'm against the Climist system? Nope. Never even used it, I just chose not to get it myself for reasons I will go over below. Could it be a good system like some people are saying though? Sure. Could it be better than the MistKing? Who knows.. Has it been around long enough to earn a huge positive reputation like the MistKing though? Hardly. MistKing was in the business first, WAAAAYYYY before Climist was even a name in a thought process, and therefore, MistKing has more experience in what is going on and how it all works. People KNOW the MistKing is good because THOUSANDS of people have used them and can tell you how good they are.

I didn't buy a MistKing because I was "buying what other people told me to buy" .....because I actually bought a newer model Monsoon RS400 at first which is what people told me NOT to buy. But I was being like you, wanting to save money. This is a hobby though, and not exactly cheap. You can't be a tightwad. So I thought about it and thought about it some more, and decided to sell off the Monsoon (for more than I paid for it actually (y)) and get a MistKing instead. Am I happy I did? You bet your bottom dollar I am. There's so much more customization you can do with the MistKing over the Monsoon and you can choose what size your reservoir is going to be instead of using the fixed-size reservoir that comes with the Monsoon. You can also use a MistKing on more cages per system than you can a Monsoon. The Monsoon RS400 has lots of bad reviews on the older models too. I actually got one of the "new and improved" models that was supposed to fix the issues that the old models had, but there weren't enough reviews on the newer model for me to make a good judgment call on if the issues were really fixed or not. So I sold it off and got the MistKing instead because frankly, it's what I wanted from the get-go but like I said, I was trying to save a few measly dollars. Did I compare the Climist to the MistKing before I bought the MistKing though? Yep. I did lots of research on them both and made my final decision based on what I came to learn in my research. I learned that the MistKing was recommended by many and is tried and true and it certainly stands the test of time for many many people. The Climist hasn't even been around long enough to know if systems will fail in 5 or 10 years from now. Jus sayin.

Know what else I came to the conclusion of after reading lots of information, speaking with lots of people (including the owner of MistKing and also the owner of Coastal Silkworms/Climist), and examining both systems?

Climist copied the idea of MistKing. No doubts there. Why? Because MistKing has a pretty much perfected product. Who WOULDN'T want to copy them? I mean, look at the two products and compare them side-by-side. It speaks volumes. Climist looks 99.9% identical to MistKing in every way. Their fittings are identical to MistKing fittings. Their tube cutter is identical to the MistKing tube cutter. Their timer is identical to the MistKing old-style timer (now is it a matter of time before they copy the new timers too? - that will only further support the fact they copied it). The screen wedges are identical to the Mistking screen wedges. The nozzles look identical to the MistKing value nozzles. You'd think that if Climist was truly its own unique design, that at least SOMETHING would look different to make it stand out from everyone else. And nothing really does. Sure, the Climist ball valve is ALL black where the MistKing ball valve is part blue and part black. Same part, different color. Sure, the MistKing pumps have different mounting plates on them, but have you examined the actual pumps from both Climist and MistKing? They are identical. The actual pump housings are identical (as far as the internals, you'd never know unless you took it apart). So how is it that Climist has their own unique product, yet, it matches the MistKing in all ways as far as looks go? That doesn't seem odd to you AT ALL?

I had a conversation from Marty once about Climist. I left the conversation when it was over because I don't like my inbox to get all cluttered, but if there is any way for me to bring back a conversation that I left and view it again, someone tell me, because I just tried and don't think it is possible. Or, I will give moderators permission to pull it back up for me somehow. Reason being, is because there was something said in that email that I would literally screenshot and post it here to prove my point. Did you know that when the Climist system first came out, they actually USED THE PICTURE OF A MISTKING SYSTEM as their own picture on their own website at first? Ask Marty about it. He'll tell you straight up. Climist actually had a picture of Marty's MistKing system posted up on their site as the picture of the "Climist System" and Marty almost took legal action against them until they took the pic down and replaced it with a pic of their own actual system. It even said the words "MistKing" on the system in the picture they were using! So why was the "Climist" system using a picture of "their" system which said "MistKing" on it? ---- Now tell me "rminnis" - does that still not sound fishy to you? They USED Marty's picture and they literally copied every aspect of the design of his system. They just renamed it and pretended it was something new. They made nothing unique about Climist to make it look any different in any way. Why would a company make it look exactly like another product instead of making it look like their own, new, fresh product? You know what the owner of Coastal Silkworms and Climist told me when I questioned him about copying the MistKing? He told me that some of those parts from misting systems are mass produced for many different people and sold to different people who use them to make different things. That's quite odd because as true as that may be, Climist ended up with parts that ALL look 99.9% IDENTICAL to the MistKing parts. Out of all of the pieces in the world that you could use to build your own version of a misting system and make it unique to your own company, they used parts that look EXACTLY like the MistKing parts. Kinda fishy don't you think? It sounds like they couldn't come up with an original idea so they copied someone. After all, they WERE using Marty's picture on their own website. What kind of legit company would do that? If you think I'm making any of this up, feel free to ask Marty about it. Or, as I said before, I fully give moderators Brad or Decadancin permission to dig through my private conversations and dig up the very first messages I had with Marty back in March or April or around there. By all means, go for it and post it here for us all to see.

What I would be asking yourself is.... How is it that Climist is using seemingly identical parts as far as looks, yet, can sell the system cheaper than Marty at MistKing when Marty has been around longer and surely has a bigger business, therefore, if ANYONE could afford to sell it cheaper, it would be him (considering many many places carry the MistKing products as opposed to only a select few that carry the Climist product). It's like buying a pair of Dr. Dre Beats Headphones. They will cost you over $100. Name brand, legit Dr. Dre Beats. Now, go to China and you can find knock-off brands of Dre's Beats. They will LOOK 100% identical, but they are made cheaper with cheaper inside components. AND, they will be about 1/4th the price. To a person who has no clue of the difference, you could buy that knock-off in China thinking you had legit Dr. Dre Beats when in reality, yours is only half the quality of the original. This right here... that thought right there... is what made me spend $20 more to get a MistKing - because Marty came up with the idea first and his products are KNOWN to be quality. So why buy from someone else who is literally trying to ripoff Marty and steal his idea with probably a slightly cheaper product lookalike? I wanted to support the ones who came up with the idea, not the ones who stole the idea.

So, I now have an issue with this. I have no allegiance to ANY company, but would like to share some good experiences with those who are looking to make decisions.

I too, have no allegiance to any company. I'm not "friends" with any of them and have never met any of them. I'm not being paid by anyone to state my opinions. I'm simply stating my views. Apparently that makes some of us ignorant? :ROFLMAO::LOL:
Note that the new Mistking timer are inline timers [interrupt power between the pump and transformer, and use a special connector]. The Climist is just an outlet timer that turns power on an off BEFORE the transformer. But you can eliminate the Mistking timer and plug the pump directly to the transformer, so that any outlet timer can be used.
So if the pumps are the same, then you're just paying for more for a Mistking timer, along with shipping. One other difference is that Climist hasn't been around long. I noticed Aquazamp is no longer selling [based upon info on the web]. So that is one downside. Coastal Silkworms separated the two businesses, which is a great way to close shop or let one go bankrupt, without affecting the other.
The timer that is used by Climist and the old Mistking timer appear to be the Woods Timer model 50007, but I don't have one to compare. It is a digital programmable outlet timer. Does it look to same to you previous owners. I'm just curious just in case I need one in the future.

Too funny. I bought my Mistking system so long ago it was at a time that Marty did not sell timers. I bought an outlet timer that he recommended of which that too is still working.

On a sidenote, my Mistking Ultimate 4.0 Misting System is arriving later today. Going to install it on my new Dragon Strand Clear Sided Enclosures.
No trickedoutbiker was clearly bashing the brand for no reason saying it was fishy they had two websites and other completely idiotic things about customer service probly being bad and all this just dont say things that arent true and you wont be called out on them. In real news I just got my new Climist system in the mail I was shocked to see it here already their free shipping included 2- day priority that ups the value of the 109 sale they have going on. I am extremely impressed by the quality of the pump I cant wait to set it up in my own Clearside dragonstrand atrium!

plus there was basically no handling time and some cool free items!


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So stating my own personal opinion about Climist and Coastal Silkworms having two different sites seeming odd to me suddenly makes me ignorant? Lmfao. If someone's opinion makes them ignorant all of a sudden, then you have a LOT to learn about how the world really works yo. I wasn't stating any facts, just my opinion. Nor was I trying to sway you one way or the other with what to buy. You want my honest opinion? Not to be mean, but I personally couldn't care less what system you get. It's your choice, not mine. Nobody can tell you what to buy for your cage. What I CAN vouch for though, is how well the MistKing system DOES work, for me, and thousands of other people that have had them and still do. We speak highly of MistKing because we have good experiences with it. Does that mean I'm against the Climist system? Nope. Never even used it, I just chose not to get it myself for reasons I will go over below. Could it be a good system like some people are saying though? Sure. Could it be better than the MistKing? Who knows.. Has it been around long enough to earn a huge positive reputation like the MistKing though? Hardly. MistKing was in the business first, WAAAAYYYY before Climist was even a name in a thought process, and therefore, MistKing has more experience in what is going on and how it all works. People KNOW the MistKing is good because THOUSANDS of people have used them and can tell you how good they are.

I didn't buy a MistKing because I was "buying what other people told me to buy" .....because I actually bought a newer model Monsoon RS400 at first which is what people told me NOT to buy. But I was being like you, wanting to save money. This is a hobby though, and not exactly cheap. You can't be a tightwad. So I thought about it and thought about it some more, and decided to sell off the Monsoon (for more than I paid for it actually (y)) and get a MistKing instead. Am I happy I did? You bet your bottom dollar I am. There's so much more customization you can do with the MistKing over the Monsoon and you can choose what size your reservoir is going to be instead of using the fixed-size reservoir that comes with the Monsoon. You can also use a MistKing on more cages per system than you can a Monsoon. The Monsoon RS400 has lots of bad reviews on the older models too. I actually got one of the "new and improved" models that was supposed to fix the issues that the old models had, but there weren't enough reviews on the newer model for me to make a good judgment call on if the issues were really fixed or not. So I sold it off and got the MistKing instead because frankly, it's what I wanted from the get-go but like I said, I was trying to save a few measly dollars. Did I compare the Climist to the MistKing before I bought the MistKing though? Yep. I did lots of research on them both and made my final decision based on what I came to learn in my research. I learned that the MistKing was recommended by many and is tried and true and it certainly stands the test of time for many many people. The Climist hasn't even been around long enough to know if systems will fail in 5 or 10 years from now. Jus sayin.

Know what else I came to the conclusion of after reading lots of information, speaking with lots of people (including the owner of MistKing and also the owner of Coastal Silkworms/Climist), and examining both systems?

Climist copied the idea of MistKing. No doubts there. Why? Because MistKing has a pretty much perfected product. Who WOULDN'T want to copy them? I mean, look at the two products and compare them side-by-side. It speaks volumes. Climist looks 99.9% identical to MistKing in every way. Their fittings are identical to MistKing fittings. Their tube cutter is identical to the MistKing tube cutter. Their timer is identical to the MistKing old-style timer (now is it a matter of time before they copy the new timers too? - that will only further support the fact they copied it). The screen wedges are identical to the Mistking screen wedges. The nozzles look identical to the MistKing value nozzles. You'd think that if Climist was truly its own unique design, that at least SOMETHING would look different to make it stand out from everyone else. And nothing really does. Sure, the Climist ball valve is ALL black where the MistKing ball valve is part blue and part black. Same part, different color. Sure, the MistKing pumps have different mounting plates on them, but have you examined the actual pumps from both Climist and MistKing? They are identical. The actual pump housings are identical (as far as the internals, you'd never know unless you took it apart). So how is it that Climist has their own unique product, yet, it matches the MistKing in all ways as far as looks go? That doesn't seem odd to you AT ALL?

I had a conversation from Marty once about Climist. I left the conversation when it was over because I don't like my inbox to get all cluttered, but if there is any way for me to bring back a conversation that I left and view it again, someone tell me, because I just tried and don't think it is possible. Or, I will give moderators permission to pull it back up for me somehow. Reason being, is because there was something said in that email that I would literally screenshot and post it here to prove my point. Did you know that when the Climist system first came out, they actually USED THE PICTURE OF A MISTKING SYSTEM as their own picture on their own website at first? Ask Marty about it. He'll tell you straight up. Climist actually had a picture of Marty's MistKing system posted up on their site as the picture of the "Climist System" and Marty almost took legal action against them until they took the pic down and replaced it with a pic of their own actual system. It even said the words "MistKing" on the system in the picture they were using! So why was the "Climist" system using a picture of "their" system which said "MistKing" on it? ---- Now tell me "rminnis" - does that still not sound fishy to you? They USED Marty's picture and they literally copied every aspect of the design of his system. They just renamed it and pretended it was something new. They made nothing unique about Climist to make it look any different in any way. Why would a company make it look exactly like another product instead of making it look like their own, new, fresh product? You know what the owner of Coastal Silkworms and Climist told me when I questioned him about copying the MistKing? He told me that some of those parts from misting systems are mass produced for many different people and sold to different people who use them to make different things. That's quite odd because as true as that may be, Climist ended up with parts that ALL look 99.9% IDENTICAL to the MistKing parts. Out of all of the pieces in the world that you could use to build your own version of a misting system and make it unique to your own company, they used parts that look EXACTLY like the MistKing parts. Kinda fishy don't you think? It sounds like they couldn't come up with an original idea so they copied someone. After all, they WERE using Marty's picture on their own website. What kind of legit company would do that? If you think I'm making any of this up, feel free to ask Marty about it. Or, as I said before, I fully give moderators Brad or Decadancin permission to dig through my private conversations and dig up the very first messages I had with Marty back in March or April or around there. By all means, go for it and post it here for us all to see.

What I would be asking yourself is.... How is it that Climist is using seemingly identical parts as far as looks, yet, can sell the system cheaper than Marty at MistKing when Marty has been around longer and surely has a bigger business, therefore, if ANYONE could afford to sell it cheaper, it would be him (considering many many places carry the MistKing products as opposed to only a select few that carry the Climist product). It's like buying a pair of Dr. Dre Beats Headphones. They will cost you over $100. Name brand, legit Dr. Dre Beats. Now, go to China and you can find knock-off brands of Dre's Beats. They will LOOK 100% identical, but they are made cheaper with cheaper inside components. AND, they will be about 1/4th the price. To a person who has no clue of the difference, you could buy that knock-off in China thinking you had legit Dr. Dre Beats when in reality, yours is only half the quality of the original. This right here... that thought right there... is what made me spend $20 more to get a MistKing - because Marty came up with the idea first and his products are KNOWN to be quality. So why buy from someone else who is literally trying to ripoff Marty and steal his idea with probably a slightly cheaper product lookalike? I wanted to support the ones who came up with the idea, not the ones who stole the idea.

I too, have no allegiance to any company. I'm not "friends" with any of them and have never met any of them. I'm not being paid by anyone to state my opinions. I'm simply stating my views. Apparently that makes some of us ignorant? :ROFLMAO::LOL:
Lmao im sure Marty invented pump technology! He is just the first one to figure out a clever way to market and brand it and sell it for a good margin to thousands! Im sure the quality of the pumps are the same. The climist pump looks incredibly well put together and built to last even compared to the ones ive seen for fuel pumps and oil extractor pumps you just should not question the integrity of one of the site sponsors you need to be checked big time.
Lmao im sure Marty invented pump technology! He is just the first one to figure out a clever way to market and brand it and sell it for a good margin to thousands! Im sure the quality of the pumps are the same. The climist pump looks incredibly well put together and built to last even compared to the ones ive seen for fuel pumps and oil extractor pumps you just should not question the integrity of one of the site sponsors you need to be checked big time.
You have not owned or used Mistkings products. I'm not sure why you are so anit-Mistking other than you being annoyed that others have used it for years and like the system. No one is pushing Mistking. Members have just posted their real multiple years experience with the product. I'm glad you purchased a Climist. You can add real value to the community by updating everyone on your experience with the Climist system overtime. Not how it looks but how it performs.
You have not owned or used Mistkings products. I'm not sure why you are so anit-Mistking other than you being annoyed that others have used it for years and like the system. No one is pushing Mistking. Members have just posted their real multiple years experience with the product. I'm glad you purchased a Climist. You can add real value to the community by updating everyone on your experience with the Climist system overtime. Not how it looks but how it performs.
Look at all of the false things this joker is saying about Climist its just crazy! I could care less about MistKing I just tried to get useful information comparing the two and I have to filter through alot of bs is all! I have said nothing bad about MistKing in any of my comments
Why dont you spend your time thinking up clever comments on how to tell trickedoutbiker to not spread lies about site sponsors instead of giving me advice for the future!

Not how he looks but how he comments overtime ! LoL
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I know I know Im just messing around I will give updates but honestly I think they are probably both great products.
I know I know Im just messing around I will give updates but honestly I think they are probably both great products.
I agree. Plus, competition is good. It will drive both companies to work harder to improve and make better products. Looking forward to seeing updates.
Look at all of the false things this joker is saying about Climist its just crazy!

Dude, Climist straight up copied MistKing. It's not a false statement. It's 100% truth. Can you not accept the truth? Why else were they using MistKing pictures on their own website? Are you ignorant, blind, or both? Shall I really beg the moderators to dig up the conversation I had with Marty about the legal action? He was gonna sue them for it. Why? Because they stole his idea and even used MARTY'S OWN PIC to market it. Why would you use someone else's pic to market your own product instead of taking a pic of your own product? Marty had to call them many times to make them change the pic and was going to take them to court for it. Maybe he will see this and chime in about it. I can even dig up the emails I had with Coastal Silkworms asking them about it and they could never give me a straight answer. They never denied copying the product and they never confirmed it either. They simply said that some parts are mass produced and sold to different people. When asked how their system ended up looking IDENTICAL to Marty's, they never gave me a straight answer. Their reply was "I don't know".

you just should not question the integrity of one of the site sponsors you need to be checked big time.

I'm not bashing Climist as a product. I said I've never used it and therefore I cannot judge the product. What I AM bashing, is the fact that they are unable to come up with an original idea of their own so they had to copy an exact design of someone else. Does that make the Climist PRODUCT bad? Nope. Just makes their name look bad when they steal ideas. I never said that it WAS a bad product, I simply implied that it MAY BE built with cheaper parts. I never said it WAS.


Tell you that MistKing was first on the market. Did he invent misting SYSTEMS altogether? No. He didn't. Nor did I imply that or even say that. I simply said that Marty had the MISTKING SYSTEM first and the Climist is a duplicate of that same system. That's all I said. Why you trying to put words in my mouth? Of course I know what profit margin is. How old are you? You seem to be pretty hard-headed. We are glad you got the MistKing. Now you can be one to write a review on it in a few years. Good for you bub. :ROFLMAO:
OK, you have both had your turns. I'm glad both opinions are out there. I will say (again) that I have no experience with the Climist system, and I generally don't feel as comfortable using a brand new company due to the possibility that if there is a problem with the product you may find a company that is out of business. What do you do then? Not sure.

Please keep comments on the thread constructive and avoid making it personal. Thanks -Deca
He clearly has a personal relationship with one side and is extremely biased. I wouldnt believe a single word he says.
Climist isnt going anywhere its a quality product that has excellent value and customer service.
Climist comes with a 2 year warranty so Im not real worried about anything like that to answer your question.
Dude, Climist straight up copied MistKing. It's not a false statement. It's 100% truth. Can you not accept the truth? Why else were they using MistKing pictures on their own website? Are you ignorant, blind, or both? Shall I really beg the moderators to dig up the conversation I had with Marty about the legal action? He was gonna sue them for it. Why? Because they stole his idea and even used MARTY'S OWN PIC to market it. Why would you use someone else's pic to market your own product instead of taking a pic of your own product? Marty had to call them many times to make them change the pic and was going to take them to court for it. Maybe he will see this and chime in about it. I can even dig up the emails I had with Coastal Silkworms asking them about it and they could never give me a straight answer. They never denied copying the product and they never confirmed it either. They simply said that some parts are mass produced and sold to different people. When asked how their system ended up looking IDENTICAL to Marty's, they never gave me a straight answer. Their reply was "I don't know".

I'm not bashing Climist as a product. I said I've never used it and therefore I cannot judge the product. What I AM bashing, is the fact that they are unable to come up with an original idea of their own so they had to copy an exact design of someone else. Does that make the Climist PRODUCT bad? Nope. Just makes their name look bad when they steal ideas. I never said that it WAS a bad product, I simply implied that it MAY BE built with cheaper parts. I never said it WAS.


Tell you that MistKing was first on the market. Did he invent misting SYSTEMS altogether? No. He didn't. Nor did I imply that or even say that. I simply said that Marty had the MISTKING SYSTEM first and the Climist is a duplicate of that same system. That's all I said. Why you trying to put words in my mouth? Of course I know what profit margin is. How old are you? You seem to be pretty hard-headed. We are glad you got the MistKing. Now you can be one to write a review on it in a few years. Good for you bub. :ROFLMAO:
I bought a climist not the mistking do you even read what your saying when you type this nonsense!
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