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  1. solly

    Veiled Female Breeding Size??

    WTF??? There are wild chams in Florida? I had no idea.
  2. solly

    Veiled Female Breeding Size??

    Where did you buy a wild caught veiled? Veileds are the most commonly kept, and bred, chams... you can find captive bred veileds just about anywhere in North America. It surprises me to hear of a wild caught veiled.
  3. solly

    Laying on side while basking

    Generally, chams will lay on their side while basking to increase the surface area of their body that is exposed to the sun, or light. It is perfectly normal. Chams also rest their eyes from time to time. Any prolonged sleeping during the day is cause for convern though.
  4. solly

    Wont lay

    It's a good idea not to disturb her. I heard of chams taking quite some time to pick a lay spot. Some even abandon half dug holes to dig one right beside the first one. Chams are very choosy as to where they lay.
  5. solly

    Wont lay

    Soak it with hot water and drain any excess that is left over the sand. Don't pour too much though, you don't want to end up with mud.
  6. solly

    Male veiled hates female veiled??

    I've witnessed the exact same behaviour in male veileds. I'm certain that's the problem. I only have experience with veileds, and not much at that. Do other types of chams show the same territorial behaviour?
  7. solly

    Please, don't be eggbound!?!?!

    Update.... She's been given her privacy and has seemed to enjoy it! She caught me peeking once or twice... I hope it didn't bother her much. Most importantly, she hasn't eaten in two days and seems to be fixated on the bin. She won't stop staring at it! I have my fingers crossed!
  8. solly

    Wont lay

    Is the sand warm? Most chams won't lay in cool sand. Is the lay bin large enough? It should be considerably larger than your cham.
  9. solly

    Male veiled hates female veiled??

    If you took the female home and introduced her to the male's enclosure, I'm sure it was due to territory. It is important to introduce the male to the female's enclosure. Males can be very territorial.
  10. solly

    I've never seen her drink...

    I think I've tried just about everything to get her to drink in front of me. She eats while I'm watching though, and won't even wait for me to drop a silkworm in her enclosure... she snaps them right up from the prongs I use.
  11. solly

    I've never seen her drink...

    Thanks for the reassurance guys.
  12. solly

    I've never seen her drink...

    I've had my cham for about 8 months and have yet to see her drink. In fact, she is terrified of water during her mistings. I've tried hot, warm, and cold water.... I now stick to hot... but she hates it! Should I worry? She doesn't show any obvious signs of dehydration.
  13. solly

    Misting in the evening

    Ideally, you should be letting the enclosure dry out before the lights go off.
  14. solly

    Please, don't be eggbound!?!?!

    Thanks for all the input guys. I've cut her feeding and have put a towel over the two sides of her enclosure that are visible to traffic. She has been pretty active and her demeanor is still normal, so I'm not going to panic. If I see anything out of the ordinary, I'll get her to the vet...
  15. solly

    Please, don't be eggbound!?!?!

    Don't most people cut back on feeding when expecting infertile eggs? I haven't cut back too much... I still feed her everyday, just not nearly as much.
  16. solly

    Please, don't be eggbound!?!?!

    In all honesty, that pic makes her seem much larger and more bloated than she actually is. I think the branch is pushing on her stomach and making it look larger. But, thanks for the advice. I felt that I may have been overfeeding her and have already cut back on her feeding. Concerning the...
  17. solly

    Please, don't be eggbound!?!?!

    Shitty pic, but here it is.
  18. solly

    Please, don't be eggbound!?!?!

    I have a veiled that is about a year old. She has yet to lay a clutch. I am confident that she is carrying infertile eggs, and has been doing so for a little while now - at least a few weeks. She has been showing a lot of turqoise as of late and is quite bloated. She has also been spending...
  19. solly


    How often do you find your cham shedding?
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