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  1. Cheeseball01

    Mealworms or superworms?

    Silkworms would make a good staple feeder?
  2. Cheeseball01

    Mealworms or superworms?

    I am thinking about making either mealworms or superworms the staple of my male veileds diet and just supplementing with crickets every now and then. I have read bits and pieces on here about which one is better but I thought id get a few more opinions before I place my order. Any input on...
  3. Cheeseball01

    where you from?

    Breckenridge, Colorado.
  4. Cheeseball01

    Housing 69 Baby Veileds...

    HOLY CRAP! Not sure what else to say....:) Them babies are pretty cute though.
  5. Cheeseball01

    what breed is friendliest

    About 7 years ago I raised a male veiled who turned out to be HUGE but was the nicest chameleon ever. He was like a cat! Came out on his own, usually just sat on my arm or lap and watched tv with me, and would let me touch him anywhere and do pretty much whatever i wanted to him and didnt care...
  6. Cheeseball01

    Pics of the Posse...

    Very nice chameleons Joe! They definitely look happy, healthy, and well cared for.:) And as far as cuervo goes, I vote female as well. CUERVINA!!!
  7. Cheeseball01

    Cuervo in Question

    That's weird because it does look like there are smalls spurs but my vote is female.
  8. Cheeseball01

    Some updated pics of my pride & joy, Bo-daggit!

    Nope no dripper yet. Still working on that and a decent drainage system. And thanks for the nice comment:)
  9. Cheeseball01

    Some updated pics of my pride & joy, Bo-daggit!

    I spray his cage down with a spray bottle 2-3 times a day. I had a feeling someone would say something about that but i assure you his eyes normally are nice and full. He uaually gets pretty irritated when a camera gets anywhere near him so i assumed he was just sucking his eyes in on purpose...
  10. Cheeseball01

    Some updated pics of my pride & joy, Bo-daggit!

    yeah he's quite the character!
  11. Cheeseball01

    Some updated pics of my pride & joy, Bo-daggit!

    Why thank you, ill pass that on to him even though he's already pretty full of himself!:)
  12. Cheeseball01

    Some updated pics of my pride & joy, Bo-daggit!

    I havent posted any new pics of my 7 month old male veiled Bo-daggit for a while so here are a few older pics and a bunch I took today.... The day he arrived at about 2.5 months old... gettin older.... and a few pics of him today... And finally, one of him...
  13. Cheeseball01


    LoL just giving you a hard time;)
  14. Cheeseball01


    Well i don't have an answer as to what your chameleons colors mean but i do know one thing, you're husband needs to cut his fingernails.:eek:
  15. Cheeseball01

    My pit bull girl

    Very pretty dog. She looks a bit mischevious in that last pic though!
  16. Cheeseball01

    My new Veiled

    Looks like my guy when i first got him, only maybe a tad bit smaller. He sure is purdy!:)
  17. Cheeseball01

    Screen Resolution

    Ive got a 22 inch widescreen monitor running at 1680x1050.
  18. Cheeseball01

    Oggie Getting Some Sun

    Nice chameleon topknot. And dont worry about the uvb through the window comments, if you dont word everything perfect then you"re gonna get some people criticizing you......:rolleyes:
  19. Cheeseball01

    some updated pics

    When dooku is fired up he's got some nice Denver Broncos colors goin on. GO BRONCOS!
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