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  1. litahudak

    help - little one not doing well

    Others beat me to it! :( I have 5-6 month old and they like it a little warmer or else they get a little sluggish. That and it'll help him digest.
  2. litahudak

    help - little one not doing well

    There will be plenty of other, more experienced people who will comment on this. Just to make sure I understand, though, the cage is 72 degrees? Is that his basking temp or his general cage temp?
  3. litahudak

    dubia roaches

    I'd recommend buying them from, his name is Dave and has really good prices on starter colonies. As to actually doing your colony, I'll leave that one to the more experienced. I've seen a lot of colonies with egg crates, though.
  4. litahudak


    Finally took the jump. I have a 4-5 mo male veiled and he's such a picky little eater. Finally figured I'd buy a little of everything and see what he enjoys. Ordered some wingless fruit flies, butterworms, dubia, crickets, and zebra silkworm. I know he loves crickets and normal silkworms, so...
  5. litahudak


    Actually my little guy is almost identical to yours on the left. Maybe other users listed theirs as 4/5 mo or just have giants because thrones I'd seen we're double his size. He's lately been very temperamental for the las week but if I can get a photo I'll post it. But he's very similiar to the...
  6. litahudak


    I hope so. That and as long as he's healthy it's not a huge concern. Thanks!
  7. litahudak


    So I always see people on here enthusing about how fast their babes grow. Well.. I have a 4-5 month old male veiled who literally has grown maybe 1/2" in the last 2 months. When I got him he had parasites and so I had the pleasure of force feeding a baby. Couple weeks later his fecal was...
  8. litahudak

    Phoenix worms?

    I have a 4 mo old male and he LOVES everything I've put in his cage.. except phoenix worms, the one thing i was really praying he'd love. He'll eat them when they're flies, but as worms.. It's the one kind he won't touch. I mix them in a feeder cup with crickets and all that will remain our...
  9. litahudak

    Oh no, the dreaded teenage years!

    Hello all! I know it's been awhile since my last post. Through the last couple of months we have tried to determine the age of my little guy via pictures, pet store info, etc, and right now he's about 4-5 months. Granted, he's never been what one would call a social butterfly, but he went...
  10. litahudak

    Food options for baby

    Hey guys! So I have what we've guessed on here is around a 3 mo old male veiled. He's tiny as babies are, about 3" without tail. So far he's had crickets, silkworms, ad reptiworms. Reptiworms weren't ahit with him but he enjoyed them when they became flies. I'm interested in other feeders, but I...
  11. litahudak

    health questions about my baby veiled

    Depends on where you take her. I have a little guy around the same size, he was acting the same way. At that size mine was too little to draw blood to test for parasites, but the vet was almost sure that's what it was. At least yours is eating. A midsize cricket is likely to big, though, judging...
  12. litahudak


    Hey guys, figured I'd update. No wheezing, nothing to show of a sign of a resp infection. He was on his pothos so I just grabbed the entire plant and put him in the shower. Can't say he was a huge fan, but he didn't hiss at the water or anything. Towards the end he had moved a little closer...
  13. litahudak


    Okay. So I'm running to class right now and I have some ideas from reading on here what I need to do but if someone more experienced has any advice, I'd appreciate it. I have what we've guessed on here to be a 4 month old chameleon. He bounced back from parasites about a month ago and has been...
  14. litahudak

    Please help! My Cham is sick and I don't know what to do!

    Could it be possible that maybe his lights are too strong? I can't say I'm an expert, espicially since you have another one already. Maybe an infection?
  15. litahudak

    Little Cham :)

    Thanks, guys! And yeah, he's still pretty little but I was so excited. I know for a lot of people shedding is an everyday thing, but it was nice to realize we've finally hit that milestone. And Pilotman, I know! He's finally growing :)
  16. litahudak

    Little Cham :)

    :DHey all! I know I haven't posted for awhile. I was the one who posted nonstop [and was probably a bit annoying lol] when my little guy got parasites. Took him to the vet, and through the help of all of you, he bounced back with flying colors. Just wanted to give you guys an update. This...
  17. litahudak

    Really a few months?

    And I think he may be a little behind in growth because when I got him he had parasites. So for a brand new baby I got the pleasure of force feeding, but for the last week and a half or so he's been eating plenty and showed up parasite free. :)
  18. litahudak

    Really a few months?

    Alrighty, thanks! I've had him for almost a month now. He eats plenty, though he's not a huge fan of crickets. If I put a dozen pinheads in he'll gobble those up, he gets iffy if I try them any biggger. He really prefers reptiworms and silkworms, though. If I give him enough time he'll eat...
  19. litahudak

    Really a few months?

    Hey guys! So everything is going great, I couldn't help noticing one difference, though. The pet store told me that my little guy was going to be between 2-3 months in age [he was shipped to me.] But I've been looking at some 3 month olds.. And I have to say they outsize my little one. Could...
  20. litahudak

    Calciworms/Phoenix worms

    They are pretty small in length, some are about twice as long as others, but some are just.. really round compared to others lol. Not really so much different in lengths. And I'd love to have a wild population but I live in an apartment and have a screened in porch so I wouldn't be able to...
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