Freaked - USPS hasnt arrived w/my cham!

I'm not sure the postal service will appreciate me making this fact widely known, but if you go to the "track and confirm" page and enter the tracking number, you will get an option for "proof of delivery". It will inform you that delivery has not happened and that you can enter your e-mail address to receive notification when delivery happens.
So far the only issue here is that he charged $50 for shipping. That is what I charge for a mega-inslated package shipped via shipyourreptiles plus heat or cold pack. The cham will probably arrive fine but you have been ripped off on shipping costs.
Frozen paper towels! What a crackhead! That would keep cold for about 10 minutes and then leave a wet mess inside the box. USPS may have detained it because it was oozing liquid!

For future reference one of the best home made ice packs is a plastic water bottle kept in the freezer for 1-2 days. Instant ice brick and you can drink it when it melts (camping etc).
We are watching this thread closely today and cant wait to see that it has arrived and all is well.....fingers crossed
Hi all. No news so far this am. USPS does NOT offer express delivery of live animals within 24 hours. This information was posted yesterday. The seller can't even make a claim for "guaranteed delivery" until AT LEAST 3 days after estimated delivery time. THIS is the problem I have. USPS is NOT the way to ship animals cross country in July. And without ice packs is simply unforgivable in 100 degree heat.

It was irresponsible at best. Honest mistake, I imagine and I am not publically bashing this guy or using his name in this thread. I continue to believe it was an honest mistake. It was STILL YET a mistake and should be acknowledged, however. Either that or 99% of the posters here don't know what they are talking about...I'm erring on the side of caution and going with majority vote. I imagine USPS was used because it's CHEAPER than Fedex or UPS.

I didn't sleep at all last night because I am literally DREADING opening the box when it does finally show - **IF** it shows today, it won't be until MUCH later this afternoon.

PS.. no updated tracking info since MONDAY. It's a good chance the box won't arrive until TOMORROW, IF AT ALL. I use USPS to ship daily and overnight with signature confirmation shows updates for me all the time. It's still not reached the Columbia processing facility.... what a damn shame.
I'm keeping a close eye on this thread, i can't offer much help as im in the U.K so don't know how the post works there, but i do hope the chameleon is ok and gets to you really soon.
Just because USPS' website talks about express 2-3 day service with reference to live animals does not mean that he did not have it shipped overnight (whether it arrived as such or not). You said yourself that you use USPS to ship overnight, so they do offer it. I highly doubt he told the postmaster that he was shipping a chameleon so he wanted 3 day shipping. I'm sure he told the postmaster he wanted overnight delivery and probably didn't tell him what he was sending.

Also, I've never had USPS update its tracking information past the initial departure until well after the package was delivered. I think there is a good chance that a day or so after the package is delivered the tracking will show a lot more information and indicate that it was not up to date.

Did you check the seller's website and see if they specify on their website what shipping method they would use? Some sellers will have a shipping or terms page on their site and will say things like "We only use overnight shipping via UPS/FedEx" or "We ship at any temperature using either hot or cold packs depending on the external temperature of the package and the time of year". If the seller specified a shipping company they didn't use or specified a cold pack when appropriate, they in effect told you it would be shipped one way and did not and you should absolutely demand a full refund for the shipping cost, regardless of the outcome (I'd still wait until the package arrives so you can know whether to demand a refund for the animal or not as well). If they refuse, post the entire story (including screen shots of their shipping policy on their website) on the BOI ( If they do make such statements on their website, I would get screen shots of the shipping policy on the sellers website immediately to prevent him from changing it before you do!

A couple of thoughts...regardless of the fact that you have a tracking number and there's information on the internet, you can talk to a person at the post office. It just takes time, persistence and a willingness to wait on hold.

Also, it is not at all unheard of for tracking information to be wrong.

I recently mailed my boss's passport to the central processing center for extra pages. That had to go mail (most government things do) and they recommended overnight. I did that. When I checked on it a few days later there was no record of it being received.

Fortunately the Passport service has a way to check on your order and doing that, I was able to confirm that it had arrived. However, in the meantime, I spoke to 2 people from the Postal Service, one of whom actually called me twice (she was the one who suggested checking the Passport service).

I'm hoping you are pleasantly surprised tomorrow morning to find your chameleon being delivered alive and well. I agree with those who say that should be the determining thing in what, if anything, you request as a refund. Obviously, you are entitled to "next day shipping" costs but just as obviously, if your chameleon is okay, then you aren't entitled to a full refund.

Perhaps, if the chameleon arrives alive and seemingly well, you can take him to a vet for a check and the shipper might refund you that cost? It's just a thought.

I have talked to a human at the post office. I have been told the only information they have is what's listed on the online tracking info (which is essentially noting since Monday). I challenge anyone to find out something additional :)

And I just want to REITERATE (not to you personally but to everyone reading) that USPS does NOT guarantee overnight (24 hr) shipment of live animals. And even tho this pkg was shipped Express, the seller can't file a claim for a refund until after TOMORROW (providing the pkg doesn't arrive today) which makes their express service A TOTAL JOKE. I have often shipped pkgs to California (not live animals) and when I send express with sig confirmation, I have been told the guarantee/ETA of these pkgs is at least 48 hours from date of ship. I have never been guarenteed 24 hr shipping from SC to CA under ANY circumstance (when using USPS).

Also, if this were guaranteed overnight shipment of any other item and it it wasn't delivered when I made arrangements to be here to sign for it, I would ABSOLUTELY refuse delivery by the second day. I HAVE to accept the cham at this point and traumatizing him (should he ever arrive) to another cross country plane trip is obviously NOT an option, nor is refusal of delivery. I'm being forced to accept something I really no longer want because of the unknowns which lie ahead. And while no one can predict the future, it's safe to assume as a newbie cham owner, it's not unreasonable NOT to want to accept and pay for a cham that's been stuck in a box for 2-4 days. I TRULY want this poor animal to be ok.. but I DON'T want the responsibility or additional expense of caring for him should he be in 'less than ideal' shape DUE TO IMPROPER SHIPMENT. If you pay for a Landcruiser, you don't expect to be handed a Corolla, if I may make a lame analogy. But I will wait it out and hope for the best... because that's all I can do.
I have shipped overnight on a return to LLL reptile in CA. They do guarantee, there overnight delivery be delivered at a set time. My package was set to deliver by 12 noon the next day. It was delivered at 12:10. I got my money back for the shipping with no problem. I shipped from Great Falls, MT (we can't overnight from my burg) and claimed the refund in Havre. They were not overly happy but they did pay me on the spot. That is just my experience.
I have talked to a human at the post office. I have been told the only information they have is what's listed on the online tracking info (which is essentially noting since Monday). I challenge anyone to find out something additional :)

And I just want to REITERATE (not to you personally,but to everyone reading) that USPS does NOT guarantee overnight (24 hr) shipment of live animals. And even tho this pkg was shipped Express, the seller can't file a claim for a refund until after TOMORROW (providing the pkg doesn't arrive today) which makes their express service A TOTAL JOKE. I have often shipped pkgs to California (not live animals) and when I send express with sig confirmation, I have been told the guarantee/ETA of these pkgs is at least 48 hours from date of ship. I have never been guarenteed 24 hr shipping from SC to CA under ANY circumstance (when using USPS).

my mother-in-law is a postmaster. i just spoke to her and she looked up your tracking #. unfortunately a couple of days ago, the usps posted an internal warning regarding severe storms in ATL, GA. Yours and mine was shipped out from the same facility but mine obviously was coming to VA and not SC. She bets that yours went through ATL, GA and it got delayed due to the weather.

so here's what she said...the seller can get reimbursed the shipping cost of $30 some dollars so you should def get a refund for the shipping. the other thing is the seller can also file a claim up to $100 for DOA and if it's more, then i think she said he had to pay for insurance on the package. either way, if the cham is DOA, then you should receive a full refund and i'm sure he will give it to you.

the other thing is...she said you can give her a call to give her more info on you and the package. she can contact your local post office and since she's a post master...they try and help each other out. she can try and pull some strings and try to get something done for you. if you want, just send me a pm and i can give you her number. lmk...
Just because USPS' website talks about express 2-3 day service with reference to live animals does not mean that he did not have it shipped overnight (whether it arrived as such or not). You said yourself that you use USPS to ship overnight, so they do offer it. I highly doubt he told the postmaster that he was shipping a chameleon so he wanted 3 day shipping. I'm sure he told the postmaster he wanted overnight delivery and probably didn't tell him what he was sending.

Also, I've never had USPS update its tracking information past the initial departure until well after the package was delivered. I think there is a good chance that a day or so after the package is delivered the tracking will show a lot more information and indicate that it was not up to date.

Did you check the seller's website and see if they specify on their website what shipping method they would use? Some sellers will have a shipping or terms page on their site and will say things like "We only use overnight shipping via UPS/FedEx" or "We ship at any temperature using either hot or cold packs depending on the external temperature of the package and the time of year". If the seller specified a shipping company they didn't use or specified a cold pack when appropriate, they in effect told you it would be shipped one way and did not and you should absolutely demand a full refund for the shipping cost, regardless of the outcome (I'd still wait until the package arrives so you can know whether to demand a refund for the animal or not as well). If they refuse, post the entire story (including screen shots of their shipping policy on their website) on the BOI ( If they do make such statements on their website, I would get screen shots of the shipping policy on the sellers website immediately to prevent him from changing it before you do!


Chris, USPS offers express to "most states". In my experience, I have never been able to ship to CA from SC in 24 hrs. It has never been guaranteed delivery within that time frame for me personally. I have shipped out that way over two dozen times just this past year. Perhaps shipping from CA to SC is different and guaranteed - I really don't know.. But the fact remains USPS does not guarantee 24 hr shipment of ANY live animal.

I did not purchase this cham through a website other than the classifieds here, using his participation on the forums as a reference from which to base his character. He will pay for DOA and he is offering a 7 day health guarantee but still yet, if the animal is alive I don't know if I'm prepared to care for him should he be in bad shape. And because of this fact alone, I am angry that I have no choice here other than to accept the cham - void of the reasonable expectation will be in good condition- and I haven't been offered any sort of an apology, but rather his opinion about my premature posting of the delayed delivery and his disbelief anyone would question his moral/ethical character.. HE is playing victim. Casey Anthony of Chameleon Shipment.

Meanwhile, I kept my kids home from school today because carpool bailed at the last minute. The cham now trumps my kids education...

I have said before that I am not bashing him in a public forum and I will not. And at this point I'm doing nothing but expressing my overall frustration and disappointment about a situation I have absolutely zero control over.

Edited to ad: In my experience updated tracking is usually available in a format such as this: accepted at xxxxx, processed through sorting facility xxxx, arrived at processing facility xxxxx and is now out for delivery to destination x,y,z.)
I have shipped overnight on a return to LLL reptile in CA. They do guarantee, there overnight delivery be delivered at a set time. My package was set to deliver by 12 noon the next day. It was delivered at 12:10. I got my money back for the shipping with no problem. I shipped from Great Falls, MT (we can't overnight from my burg) and claimed the refund in Havre. They were not overly happy but they did pay me on the spot. That is just my experience.

SC to CA and vice versa is about the longest cross country stretch on the map. I know they offer overnight "to most destinations" but this excludes live animals, fwiw.
AND...if he doesn't arrive today, I can not sit here again tomorrow. If I'm not here to sign for him tomorrow - then what? Where does the burden lie?
Paige, I know what I'm going to ask will sound stupid, but bear with me.

Did you read the tracking information to the person on the phone? I ask because the second person I spoke with, the one who was supposed to be able to physically locate my package, had access to all sorts of information but did not know that the package had, in fact, a guaranteed delivery date and time. She got obsessed with the price I'd paid and the type of label and generally had no clue what was going on. When I said "regardless, here is what it says on the tracking page: this item is EXPRESS DELIVERY with a GUARANTEED DELIVERY DATE AND TIME." She went "oh, ummm...oh...I'll have to check on that then".

Sounds stupid, I know, but there you go.

I suspect that Rottsko has the answer: the package is stuck at a hub pending a break in the weather.

If the package doesn't arrive at your door today, will you be able to pick it up at the Post Office (obviously, it's better to have it in the building rather than on a truck or sitting on your doorstep)? Given that there was a delay, your local post office should be able to accommodate a request to hold the package.
No news, no updated tracking and aside from the poster who's relative is a postmaster, there is no detailed tracking info avail (aside from the theory it got stuck at a hub due to inclement weather)....
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