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  1. NastyNate

    i need a cage!

    I second going with Amazon. You can find about anything on there.
  2. NastyNate

    Comment by 'NastyNate' in 'Basic color and composition'

    Great job! Very informative. I'd love to read more!
  3. NastyNate

    Thank god i think she's laying her eggs! What next?

    We all have a passion for these animals, that's why we're all here. Although some people may be misinformed or uneducated on the keeping of chameleons, we don't need to come off being so harsh.
  4. NastyNate

    Major ant infestation!

    Welcome to beautiful California! Here in San Diego, I have been getting a swarm of ants recently. It is usually due to rain/moisture. When they get flooded out of their holes, they come looking for a new home. And unfortunately, more often than not, it's our home they invade! Obviously, be sure...
  5. NastyNate

    FOUND! veiled cham in east san diego!

    Yes, use a calcium powder w/o D3 daily. You should also use a multivitamin powder once or twice a month.
  6. NastyNate

    Nighttime insect hunt

    There was a lady out here a few years ago that got ripped off her mountain bike. Luckily, her friend fought off the lion and she was saved. The mountain lion still got the best of her face :/
  7. NastyNate

    Cagte building idea?

    If you lay it sideways it might be good.
  8. NastyNate

    How often do you see one of these?

    Wish I could answer your question haha, but I just want to know what species of moth this is? Very beautiful specimen.
  9. NastyNate

    WEIRD Pygmy idea.

    I just saw a show on tv with a similar idea. They made a giant gum ball machine into a fish tank. And it was fully functional. I bet that idea would be pretty awesome as a terrarium as well!
  10. NastyNate

    which one is better?

    You can get almost any size fixture at Walmart for $10-15. I believe the 18" fixtures are only $7. If you don't have a Walmart close by, you can also try a home improvement warehouse like Home Depot or Lowes. They'll have fixtures of every size. Don't buy them from the pet store, I learned that...
  11. NastyNate


    I'd used to catch those guys as a kid, still do if I see em out while hiking. We'd call them Blue Bellies. Same lizard as the link you posted. Looks like it could be one of them. If you don't want to take the time or effort to keep it, I'm sure it would do well in the wild (depending where you...
  12. NastyNate

    Nighttime insect hunt

    I'm in the saddleback valley, too :) Lovely place! Unfortunately, Orange County park authorities estimate only 12 mountain lions left in the county. But they are all right in the valley! Watch out!!
  13. NastyNate

    Is she gravid?

    Actually, it is no longer set up like that. A member told me basically the same thing you said. So I packed towels between the pots so it seems like the sand is the lowest point on the enclosure. Do you think she is gravid for sure? I haven't seen her roam the bottom of the cage, or even come...
  14. NastyNate

    New Female Trioceros Perreti

    Thanks everyone! So is the general consensus that she's gravid? She has maintained this brownish color since I got her. To me, she looks a little chubby, but then there are times I look at her and she looks normal.
  15. NastyNate

    is this a boy or girl?

    Hard to tell from that picture. Is that the back foot? If you take another picture from a different angle of be able to tell you. From what I'm seeing it looks like a female.
  16. NastyNate

    My new Veiled

    What kind of plant is that huge leaf from? I bet he loves drinking from it. I need something like that.
  17. NastyNate

    New house for little dude ^_^

    Looks great! I'm sure he loves it! Just add a live plant or two and it'll be nothin' short of perfect! I suggest a dwarf umbrella tree or a ficus. Pothos are great too!
  18. NastyNate

    Lighting question:

    Thank you! That answers all my questions! Maybe just one more: Would using a 5.0 vs. 10.0 be more important when housing a young/baby chameleon? Or does the danger it poses apply to young and old?
  19. NastyNate

    Lighting question:

    Correction: Someone else must have mentioned a 5000k or 6500k fluorescent for plant growth. But does anyone know if these types of bulbs can be found as CFLs?
  20. NastyNate

    Lighting question:

    Thanks for the info. You mentioned a 5000k bulb to stimulate plant growth (I assume this also provides additional ambient light), are these bulbs also available as CFLs? The reason I ask it I have a Exo Terra fixture that houses 3 "screw type" light bulbs. I used it for my snakes a while back...
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