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  1. mvad

    My Jackson's won't cup feed with crickets, but will do so with mealworms!

    This is a very helpful guide when new to a species.
  2. mvad

    Another light thread, still confused gets my highest recommendation. Larry is a class act and his products are well worth the money. A comment above stated if your starting out zoomed products are fine. I disagree. Get the best you possibly can to provide your chameleons the optimal habitat. I made the mistake...
  3. mvad

    tips on controlling humidity?

    I would fully cover the sides and back with plastic sheeting or coroplast (Amazon has it) kind of like how Dragonstrands breeder enclosures utilize the three closed sides...
  4. mvad

    Misting Systems

    For $99 + shipping get a basic Mistking system. Can't go wrong. This is obviously my opinion but I believe many long time users will agree.
  5. mvad

    The Offer

    I would get a 2x2x4 enclosure. I bet he would appreciate the space. Seems like a good deal. He is a good looking cham
  6. mvad

    Veiled chameleon

    It's great that your trying but seems like you still need help. Great advise has already been given. Here are some other resources to help you with husbandry.
  7. mvad

    Exo Terra vs ZooMed Glass Terrarium

    Please don't put your chameleon in a glass terrarium. Bad for them altogether. If you have the means, get the Dragonstrand as mentioned above. Ample natural plants will also take most of the mist if directed to the middle of the enclosure (depending on size and density of plants). Do your...
  8. mvad

    Angry Veiled

    OP, you absolutely asked for it when posting "angry veiled". Chameleons in general don't like or need to be handled. My male veiled about a year old will not tolerate being handled. I'm ok with this because I did the research before I puechased him. I didn't impulse buy him. His enclosure was...
  9. mvad

    Safe food for crickets

    Scroll down to gutloading section. Variety and nutritious veggies, fruits and other dry gutload such as cricket crack or Repashy bug burger is great. Repashy superload is also great. The whole point of gutloading is to transfer nutrients to the chameleon by feeding good things to your feeders...
  10. mvad

    Is this normal?

    Lanai's aren't known to everyone. I didn't know what they were until my dad moved to Florida. Fully screened in enclosure most times having a shingled roof and usually attached to ones house. It's mostly a bug free extra room. Excellent for a free range (depending on size). Ar15, my veiled...
  11. mvad

    Custom dragon strands.... In the UK!!! :-)

    Great enclosures. I'm hoping the branches you have added were cut from the tree and not found on the ground. Lots of "things" live on fallen wood. Good luck with the rest of your additions to your enclosure.
  12. mvad

    What to do when you miss a calcium w/d3 or multivitamin feeding

    I also use Repashy cal+LoD with every feeding. My male veild is 11-13 months old and I feed every other day. Been using just the cal+LoD for 7 months and am very happy with it (my cham seems to be doing very well)
  13. mvad

    Is a Green Island Ficus ok for a Veiled Chameleon? Generally a good safe plant list. I notice it does not have the type of ficus listed that you have. I'm not familiar with the green island ficus. Use this forum's guide to help with planting plants
  14. mvad

    I need help deciding on a uvb and basking spot lamp, please help!!!!

    Get a MistKing system. Excellent product, excellent customer service. Well worth the peace of mind when, like most of us, working away from the house. Not everyone cant be home to hand mist. Automated to the second, mistking products are top notch.
  15. mvad

    Drainage Systems for Cages - get creative!

    W Check out Olympia's blog on how she did it.
  16. mvad

    Different Dragon Strand Cages?

    All of the products at Dragonstrand are of excellent quality. Can't go wrong. Wish I had done it right the first time. And being made in house USA is great too. That atrium cage is sweet.
  17. mvad

    Does this (vent) look funny to you?

    Beautiful looking chameleon.
  18. mvad

    Has anyone got this?

    Mine is also being "stored" in the garage. When I received it I tested it out before I put a hole in my cage for the cord. It was noisy and obnoxious. I will continue with a dripper and mistking to ensure proper hydration.
  19. mvad

    Two Chameleons, One Cage?

    I'm not at all trying to be rude but why did you buy another one if you knew two chams can't be kept in the same cage? This forum is a great wealth of knowledge. In order to be a successful chameleon keeper and provide the best husbandry you can, you should do extensive research and educate...
  20. mvad

    replanting for drainage

    I found as long as there are holes for drainage at the bottom of your pots organic pesiscide free soil covered with a top layer of river stone works very well. My plants are hanging in my enclosure.
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