Id say that if the dusting and feeding and lighting is correct, there wont be MBD.
Two UVB tubes is overkill unless there is a dense screen between the bulb and the cham (in which case, maybe change the screen). If you want it brighter, a second regular light tube would be fine. Like has...
You are not wrong. Pinkies are little blobs of fat and offer almost no value (small amounts of preformed A perhaps, but that's it). Should not be used as a feeder unless you are trying to fatten up a recovering animal.
Just because its in a pet store doesnt necessarily mean anything is wrong with her. Not all pet store chameleons are instantly to be labelled junk. I wouldnt allow just anyone to handle chameleons in my care either. If they think you are really serious about buying her, and explain that you...
You dont need a misting system at all. If you use a dripper, hand mist as necessary, why spend the money on a system? I guess it depends on how many chameleons you have, how humid (or not) it is where you live, and how strong/weak you hands are and whether or not you have time to visit the...
If you gutload well, you shouldnt hardly need a vitamin supplement.
I was told to use herptivite twice a month, as a just in case the gutload wasnt great measure, and that's what Ive been doing since I got him (years ago) and its working well.
I use a store bought parrot cage. easy to clean, built in tray under wire bottom for catching drips and poop, comes with cups for feeding, easy to attached branches/perches/vines too, easy to lay a light on top of (no screen to block uvb), ....
How old is the chameleon? What type? Boy or girl?
What insects do you use in addition to the roaches?
I feed my male adult panther 5 days a week (generally skip Tuesdays and Thursdays due to work schedule), a few insects each time. If using crickets, I use more of those than if offering...
Fruits and Vegetables (but not spinnach or brocoli), bee pollen, seaweed (like spirulina), seeds and nuts
Did you try using the search function with the word: gutload
I put them on a wide branch or in a cup.
Why must i Refrigerate the worms?
You do not have to refrigerate the worms. Better NOT to, if your going to use them up quickly, as you'll want to gutload them. They're not very nutritious.
How many should I feed him the are really small...