I find my chameleons each choose their own "spot" to sleep.
How long have you free-ranged them? It will take them a little while to learn the paths, the first few days they may wander confused but they will learn it.
You could try mounting a slightly weaker light temporarily (to...
We are all speculating until you fill out that form...
but I don't think there is anything wrong with feeding a diet primarily of crickets as long as you supplement correctly and feed the fatty guys only sparingly
Hey all,
Haven't been around for a while, life has kinda overtaken me....and throughout it all, my female has still not laid her eggs. Come November she will be 12 months old....
Recently she is becoming less energetic (slightly) but otherwise her old self. I put her in a large bucket...
Its not about watts, its about the temperature.
If you are roughly increasing your wattage by 1.25x without increasing air flow or tank size, you can expect your temperatures to increase substantially.
I am confused about your goal though:
2x 26W bulbs use less energy than 1x 120W (52W is...
It happens every now and then, if it was a one time incident I wouldn't freak out but I would monitor them a little more closely to see how often it happens.
Not to put a damper on your project, but the majority of these types of LEDs give off very little to no useful light; especially the ones on eBay from china.
Not all light is equivalent....if you have specs on these things I can give you better insight into what I mean :)
EDIT: Before you...
I tried looking up this info but had no success.... Big Apple Herp is claiming to have WC R. Brev's from Tanzania in stock but I was not under the impression they had opened exports...
They also charge $10 for a "sexing fee" ROFL....
just put it in the top just the same, why woiuld it matter that its a wood viv?
i'm assuming you are having a hood for your lights right? i have a few pics of wood setups i've done in my past posts somewhere
she did have one recently which is why I want to avoid going again :P
last time he x-rayed her and eggs were developing, so I'm pretty sure thats what it is, thanks.
It will be safe if you use the correct products/chemicals. This is a very indepth question and the answer varies depending on interior and exterior conditions of the enclosure as well as budget, etc.
I do recommend this method if you are willing to put in the time; it looks very good and also...
so her colors look ok for mating colors ? I shouldn't be paranoid that she's sick?
I'm just not used to her being dark all the time, she is usually a really bright pink (ESP when sleeping...but currently she stays kinda dark even when sleeping)....especially since my male escaped a few days...
My first female is right around the time for her first egg laying (she is about 8 months old) and has not been mated as far as I know; however, she is free-ranged with my male so it is possible they mated when I wasn't around.
Anyway, as of the past 2-3 days she has been noticeably darker...
@Alohaholly: As a general rule, all chameleons need individual cages once they reach maturity. Before that, they can be kept together in small groups as long as they are all around the smae age.
I would NOT keep the adult female with anything else. I also would keep the baby only with...
Not all cats are so vicious :P
but I'd imagine wild squirrels would be....I can't think of any way other than a fence of some kind.
If you don't want a physical barrier, maybe look into those sonic dog fences? I don't know if they work on squirrels. They may or may not be safe for...
yea I have been going out at night with a flashlight and also walking around during peak daylight hours hoping to catch him out basking, but so far no luck.
well given I free-range all my chameleons with my cat, they are often on the floor and around the window :P
at first I thought perhaps he was hiding really well around the house but I have scoured the house and its been 2 days now. Pretty sure :\
just trying to figure out how far I have to...