Hmmmm now its reading 48% :confused:
Hahaha!! Typical!
I think I'll keep an eye on it over the next day or so and if its dropping too low between mistings, I'll add the extra ones.
I can't fit any more live plants in his enclosure LOL There's already 2 big ones in there.
Don't mind...
The min humidity number is the lowest reading the hygrometer took, so i'm assuming this is from overnight, when the enclosure obviously dries out completely.
He had a 10 minute misting at 8am this morning, then a 5 min misting at 11am, then another 10 min misting at 2pm today. Humidity now...
As some of you know, I bought Simba a new Hygrometer as I wasn't convinced on the readings I was getting with the old one.
Well, I've installed the hygrometer and now the readings are:
Max = 88% (During Misting)
Min = 34% (It gradually comes down from 88% after the misting period)
I love blue, so when I found my nosey be x bb ambilobe, I thought hmmmm interesting to see how that turns out.
He looks a LOT like his dad!!! (nosey be) :D
The vit a in calci plus is beta carotene and I read that chams can't process this as effectively as preformed (retinol) so asked experienced keepers for advice.
A few keepers i have spoken to prefer the retinol and so I am following a recommended schedule used by a couple of them.
I am gut...
I personally think every day is too often for the calci plus but as already stated, it's one of those debatable subjects, plus the factors of what u feed and how u gutload should come into account. Again JMO.
I use the following schedule:
Komodo cricket dust (calcium only) at every feed...
They do need a bit of 'roughage' in the form of the hard skin/ legs of roaches/locusts/crix.
You could not offer the worms or any feeders for a few days, then offer the locusts again.
Ur Cham will not starve itself! Please be aware of this!
If the locusts are ignored, leave a couple...
I use the following:
Komodo cricket dust (calcium only) at every feed.
Repashy calci plus twice a week (calcium with d3 and multi vit) but Simba is only getting artificial UVB and isn't getting any real sunshine with the weather being the way it is in the Uk as u know lol. In the summer...
Awwwww. I'm too soft to watch it. I'd probs cry with me being an emotional preggers! Lol
I know it's completely natural for them to eat small lizards in the wild, but I couldn't bring myself to actually feed one to Simba.
Anoles are just too cute!!
As long as you gut load them, this improves their nutrition, however, you should really offer a variety of feeders to ensure they get a good variety of nutrients:
Check these out:
how to gutload roaches...