RESCUE JACk50N trying to bring him back to life;HELP;?!

Thanks mannqq you have no idea how much i apreciated your comment [=

No prob I know how it feels. Sometimes it feels like you're getting beat up on this forum but really it's just people that are trying to help.

And he really does look like a jacksonii in that pic, but I don't know much about Jackson's identification so I can't say for sure.


While everyone here wants to help you... We all realize that your little cham is doing just fine, except for some mistakes on your half, take that dirt out ASAP if he ingests it he will get impaction, which may lead to death and prolapse! also, he needs either fake or live plants, chameleons need a lot of plants to feel secure! I can see you are concerned, but as we are telling you, "It will be fine" you keep posting pictures thinking we may sway our decision. He's fine, just set his cage up better, and look at other peoples set-ups!
I've been following your thread. Chris looks better....his setup looks like a bearded dragon setup though. You need to use the entire space of the cage....get an umbrella plant from home depot ($9.99 for a pretty good sized one). Wash it and re pot it in some organic soil....use that as the base of the enclosure and hang some of those vines from it. Chris will be much happier and the plant will help maintain the humidity.

Good luck
Are you selling him now? Or are you selling another Jacksons chameleon that you own? I'm confused!

i when out get him everything he needs today and in concluetion i stumble across another beutifull jackson jacksoni male and i spend 130 for him so trying to find him a good home ( mind you i do not need side comments about how much of a bad idea this was ) But no men am keeping chris he needs my care and i already spend over 500$ on just pet supplys but the new jackson wich i havent named him but hes prettty cool and heathy he looks great and has this huge horns i think he might be almost an adult already. but if you are or you know someone intrested in him let me know i just want him in a good home with people that actualy know about chameleons jacksonii
Which pet store did you get him from? I saw a pair of Jacksons at the Petco on Central Ave by Kohls in Scarsdale, you could get them too! I bet you'd get loads of support setting up a cham rescue in NY! It's definitely needed! Keep an eye out at the White Plains expo too, I saw LOADS of chams in desperate need of rescue there!
Which pet store did you get him from? I saw a pair of Jacksons at the Petco on Central Ave by Kohls in Scarsdale, you could get them too! I bet you'd get loads of support setting up a cham rescue in NY! It's definitely needed! Keep an eye out at the White Plains expo too, I saw LOADS of chams in desperate need of rescue there!

I got him from the of so famouse petsmart store around me i love to go too but after me getting him n getting into a fight with the store manager because i tould him he died to refund my money for him so they did
so i tottaly got him for free but hopefully it works out with the new jackson, and i get away with it. this is my way to stick it to this store that miss tread them so bad ''/ but will see
lOls but yea i actualy wanna open up my own official bully breed rescue team because that breed needs alot of help now a days But you might have somethings going on with this idea altho i dont think i have enuff money to buy all these chameleons with their set ups and what not am already dead with my wife for bringing these one home when she tould me not too -___- butt f$%$ it riqht another chameleon save, hes much older than little chris over here but hes seem to be kind n humble when i asked to see him he ran strait to my shoulder's like tinny my first female vield does, but what ever his great really cool n in great shape he was just shiped out yesterday so i bought him before they started to fuck up bu tmrrw im going to the expo to try to score some horn worms and a new much bigger cage for my chamm i hope n pray i dnt find another one in need of help -___- its just becoming too much lol thanks for your suppost tho like i said before i much gladly apreciated everyone POSITIVE COMMENTS [x

wish u the best with ur chamms
can someone explain to me whats sup with the 6500 kevil stuff!? i fanaly bought it i had take the temp of that n it said it was 90'f at first then drop drop too 88'f n 85, r u sure that this lamp is good? it cost 60$ bucks each because i bought the double lamp fixtuer also they didnt have the 6500 they only had the 6700 so i think i took those not sure tmmrw morning ill post the corrrect stuff
I think he looks super dehydrated. His casque isn't puffy which it should be and his cheeks are hollow. He needs to be hydrated. I would think it would be worthwhile to take him to a vet and get checked out. Take a fresh poop and get a fecal done also. When they sit on a branch with their eyes closed they are not doing well. This isn't a stress situation, something is up with your fella and if you want to save him have a vet look at him.

You don't need all the fancy lamps, just a linear uvb reptisun 5.0 or 10.0. My vet recommends the 10.0 because it is stronger UVB like the sun outside, but many people here say 5.0, your choice. As for a basking bulb, just use a 60 watt light bulb like you put into a lamp and a clamp light fixture $6-7 from home depot. That's all you need for lighting.
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I use Rep-Cal. It's more reliable if you know that you are giving the right amount, not an all-in-one. It's just like you don't get a UVB/UVA mixed with a basking light. I didn't hate on your method, just saying that I would rather do a little extra to make sure my guy is healthy.
Wait, is the UVB/UVA mixed with a basking light really bad? Because that's what I've had for my veiled ever since I got her about 4 months ago.
Wait, is the UVB/UVA mixed with a basking light really bad? Because that's what I've had for my veiled ever since I got her about 4 months ago.

The reason it's not a good idea for one...

1) There is only little amounts of each placed in the bulb. There is already so little UVB (no UVA should be provided, the basking light is the only UVA you need) in a plain UVB bulb

2) The UVB is not being adequately spread throughout the cage. It is only being offered in the basking spot, and it should be placed over the cage so the chameleon is always under it during the day
The reason it's not a good idea for one...

1) There is only little amounts of each placed in the bulb. There is already so little UVB (no UVA should be provided, the basking light is the only UVA you need) in a plain UVB bulb

2) The UVB is not being adequately spread throughout the cage. It is only being offered in the basking spot, and it should be placed over the cage so the chameleon is always under it during the day

It's more because the UVB can be very strong and the heat too high. The UVB can be dangerously high. On the flip side, because of the heat, the bulb and chameleon may be so far away from each other that the chameleon cannot get any UVB without burning itself. Plus, like you said, with an all in one type bulb, the chameleon can't just bask under the UVB without getting heat like it would be able to to with a separate UVB and basking light. Cages also tend to be too small to allow enough space between the animal and the bulb without keeping the bulb really high above the cage (which can be a big pain in the butt.)

They are fine to use if you can measure the UVB with a meter to make sure it's working out all right. Without a meter, you really have no idea if the UVB is adequate.
It's more because the UVB can be very strong and the heat too high. The UVB can be dangerously high. On the flip side, because of the heat, the bulb and chameleon may be so far away from each other that the chameleon cannot get any UVB without burning itself. Plus, like you said, with an all in one type bulb, the chameleon can't just bask under the UVB without getting heat like it would be able to to with a separate UVB and basking light. Cages also tend to be too small to allow enough space between the animal and the bulb without keeping the bulb really high above the cage (which can be a big pain in the butt.)

They are fine to use if you can measure the UVB with a meter to make sure it's working out all right. Without a meter, you really have no idea if the UVB is adequate.
I never thought of that. I bought this 60$ bulb that is both basking and UVB because all the plain UVB lights they had at the store were too long for my lamp and stuck out at the bottom. She seems to be doing just fine though, thankfully.
I never thought of that. I bought this 60$ bulb that is both basking and UVB because all the plain UVB lights they had at the store were too long for my lamp and stuck out at the bottom. She seems to be doing just fine though, thankfully.

Well it's always gonna stick out, that's why you need to make it so it's not resting on top of the cage. This prevents thermal burns to your chameleon and burns to the top of the cage.
I never thought of that. I bought this 60$ bulb that is both basking and UVB because all the plain UVB lights they had at the store were too long for my lamp and stuck out at the bottom. She seems to be doing just fine though, thankfully.

What do you mean stick out? As in a compact bulb? Compact bulbs are generally not recommended and the linear tube type bulbs are the best.
Mhphmm... okay i see u guys here are way off into a diffrent subject, But anywho I bought some call T5 dual lamp fixture 24'' for freshwater Aquarium Environments ( Ideal lighting for growing live plants )

T5 fluorescent lmaps 1 - 6,700k 14 watt; 1 - Colormax 14watt

some of you guys recomended the 6,500k but they only had the 6,700 so i picked this one.. is that good to use for my for my jackson jacksoni and my vield female or on another female jackson?
Please buy that chameleon a plant.

Mhphmm... Thanks but am way pass that i already bought the plants and the fogger i just havent had times to post pic's, with the rescent rescue i did and pluss the expo. But trust me they all are perfect now thanks to the help of many of you guys But I WILL APRECIAT IF ANYONE CAN GIVE ME INFORMATION ABOUT THIS LIGHT'S THE COST 60$ BUCKS EACh PLEASE ANYONE LET ME KNOW IF I NEED TO RETURN OR PUT SOMETHING DIFFRENT
Well it's always gonna stick out, that's why you need to make it so it's not resting on top of the cage. This prevents thermal burns to your chameleon and burns to the top of the cage.

It isn't resting on the cage, I've got it hanging above it so my little girl doesn't hurt herself :) I just don't like that it sticks out cause it's obnoxiously bright to see all the time. Just personal preference.
I have a question for you it's on topic so I will post it here. In this case he is also dealing with over supplementation. As stated first thing to do is stop supplementing, Would giving them increased drinking water help to flush the organs faster ? I know mine once stimulated will drink a lot especially If i am doing it by hand with a spray bottle, what do you think ?

Yes, making sure the chameleon has a chance to drink as much as it likes, a few times a day, will help flush the system. This is a very good point.

It can take as long as 15-20min for me to give my jackson as much as she likes, and stops drinking.

To the OP:

How is your setup looking now?

How is the chameleon doing?

Here is a cage build for a jackson chameleon, maybe it will be of some help. (FYI, the photos are in reverse-order)!cpZZ4QQtppZZ20
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